vingt et un: another party

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"another party"

It was about 1 am when they reached home. They took the long way, talking about random thing, like usual.

She even asked him to tell what was going on between the schools for those boys to hate them out of all of them. Johnny simply answered with a "it's not really my place to tell" and with that the conversation ended.

Annie's eyes fluttered open as she moved under his grip. It was the next morning, they had managed to successfully sneak into Johnny's room.

She surprisingly escaped from his arms without waking him up, she smiled as she saw him sleeping lazily.

She went into his bathroom to freshen up before walking downstairs, only to see Asher sitting on the island stool.

"Good Morning," She smiled as she walked over to him.

"Morning-" He said as he looked up, "I didn't know you stayed over?" He said in a confused expression.

"I came over late at night, I um couldn't sleep." She lied as she sat down on a another stool next to him.

He raised a brow, "Alone?"

She bit her lip, "Uh yeah," She lied yet again.

"Annie, it's not safe especially after that day." He said. "You should of at least called one of us." He continued.

"I'm sorry." Annie sighed. She was happy that he was actually being nice to her and showing his care unlike before. "Did you have breakfast?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, i had an apple" He answered.

"An apple?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah?" He looked at her and then laughed. "What's wrong with that?" 

"Do you guys always eat a fruit in the morning?" She questioned.

"Yes?" He answered still a little confused. "I mean we have pancake mix and stuff but we're too lazy."

She rolled her eyes, "You're poor stomachs" She said. "Let me make something today, thank me later." She grinned as she walked into the kitchen, his eyes following her.

She turned around, "Uh where's the pancake mix again?" She questioned, her eyes away from his.

He laughed, "Let me help you LeBlanc, thank me later." He mocked her earning her famous eye roll.

It was a few minutes later, breakfast was going good, "We're good chefs," Annie laughed as she flipped the pancake.

"I guess we are." Asher shrugged as he had a spoonful of Nutella.

She nudged playfully, "Save some for us" She said.

"You want some?" He asked as smeared the spoon of chocolate on her nose.

She gasped, "You idiot," As she grabbed the plastic bag of the mix and threw it on him.

"What was that for!?" He exclaimed as he repeated her actions, covering her in pancake mix too.

"Bruh." She deadpanned as she smeared the last bit of the pancake mix all over his hair.

He ran his hands threw his soft hair, shaking all the powder off as she watched, uncontrollably laughing.

He glared at her causing her to stop but both of them soon burst into laughter yet again.

She took a breath as she tried to collect herself back together, "We made a mess-"

Just then, Johnny was walking downstair while rubbing his eyes, "What's so funny?—Oh god," Johnny said softly.

"Perfect! Help us clean the mess will ya?" Annie asked.

He swiped his finger of her nutella covered nose, "Yeah, i think i'll pass" He said as he licked his finger.

"Then no pancakes for you." Annie smirked.

He rolled his eyes then groaned, "Fine"

It was about 5:30 in the evening. One of Jack's mutuals had invited them to a party.

Johnny was sitting on Annie's bed waiting for her to get ready.

Jack, Josh and Asher had already left to the party. They left these two behind because Annie had to go back home to change.

"So, is this okay?" She said as she walked out her bathroom.

His slowly travelled down her body then back up, making her heart skip a beat

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His slowly travelled down her body then back up, making her heart skip a beat.

"Stop doing that," She said softly.

He licked his lips, "Doing what?"

"You know what you're doing." She answered.

"Come here." He smirked.

She walked over a pressed her lips against his. He was quick to pull her on his lap, His hands lingering on her bare waist, her hands going around his neck as usual. 

He broke apart as his phone rang, Annie held back a laugh as she tried to catch her breath.

"Where the fuck are you both!?" Jack screamed through the phone.

"We're coming chill" Johnny laughed as he hung up. She got off his lap and went to get her bag.

"Let's go," She smiled smugly as she walked back in.

"Let's gooo" He smirked at her.

They walked into the party, the smell of alcohol hitting their noses as soon as the entered. Hopefully this party is just as good as the one before.

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