dix-sept: arcade adventures

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"arcade adventures"

They had been in the Mall for about thirty minutes now. Johnny and Annie had gone to get her skateboard while Josh went to get his shoes, Jack and Asher left to buy the card things to get into the arcade.

Annie ended up getting a normal skateboard with the design of a Chinese Dragon on the back.

"New Skateboard, New me." Annie smiled as they walked to the arcade, holding hands.

"Nah, The Annie that i met will always be my favourite Annie."

She smiled, "I'm glad that i met you" She said tilting her head on his shoulder

"I'm glad i met you too," He smiled back, squeezing her hand in his.  "But, who forget's their backpack on the first day?" He chuckled.

"Me." Annie shrugged. "Honestly, i think i forgot i was even going to school."

Johnny grinned, "Much like you" 

They were stopped as Jayden and Kenzie exited a store right in front of them. The girls eyes soon meeting theirs.

Jayden walked up to them with a tight smile, her arms linked with Kenzie's.

"Hey Johnny and Annie" Jayden smiled wide.

"Hey" Johnny answered, his voice uncertain.

"Hi," Annie smiled back at both of them.

"What are you two doing at the Mall today?" Kenzie questioned.

"I broke my skateboard so we came here to get a new one." Annie smiled. "What about you guys?"

"Oh us? It's are weekly shopping spree" Jayden said with a rude tone but Annie didn't think much of it. "Where are you heading to?"

"We're going to the arcade" Annie responded, "You guys should come with us, the boy's are there too." Annie offered.

"We would love too!" Kenzie exclaimed.

"Uh Kenz we have a to go." Jayden tried to whisper at the side.

Kenzie sighed rather dramatically, "Right." She let a breath, "i'll see you two at school." She said before both of them walked away.

"That was weird." Johnny commented to which Annie nodded in response.

"Kenzie has a crush on you." Annie said abruptly.

Johnny raised a brow "She does?"

Annie nodded, "Mhm"

He inter-wined their hands together again, "I don't like her though" He said as they started began to walk.

"I don't care if you like her or not." She replied.

"You don't like me?" He bit the inside of his cheek, slightly taken back by her answer.

"I never said i didn't like you." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Someone's jealous." Johnny said jokingly.

She punched his arm with her spare hand, "Shut up. I'm not." She smirked.

"Ouch. That hurt-"

"Good." Annie laughed.

"You know i like you right?" Johnny asked.

She smiled and looked at him, "Now i do" She bit her lip. She removed her hand from his as they reached the arcade. Josh was already there, holding a bag from nike.

"Jackypoo!" Annie exclaimed as they went to the boys.

"Banannie!" Jack exclaimed back. "Okay so, if i win the just dance battle you're getting me teddy."

"And if i win- you're gonna uh get me a teddy too" Annie laughed.

They ran to the Just Dance booth, leaving the other boys alone.

"How did you suddenly start talking to Annie?" Johnny raised a brow.

"Why?" Asher asked.

"I don't know. I mean a day ago you guys hated each other-"

"I never hated her and you know that," Asher cut him off.

"You get what i mean." Johnny answered.

"Things change." Asher answered.

Johnny narrowed his eyes at him but decided to leave it there.

"Im gonna check if they have Caprisuns here" Josh said as he walked away to the food-bar.

Johnny and Asher nodded and continued looking at the huge tv screen in front of them, which was playing music videos.

A few seconds later Asher spoke, "You like her don't you?" Asher asked. He was clearly talking about Annie.

Johnny answered, his voice hesitant, "No."

Asher glanced at him then back to the screen, "Okay."

Minutes later, "I won!" Annie exclaimed as she sorta ran towards them.

"I obviously let her win!" Jack protested, crossing his arms.

"Shut up, you literally fel-" Annie tried to say but she got cut off.

"No i didn't!" Jack exclaimed.

Asher laughed, "I bet you fell on your ass"

"Did not!" Jack groaned putting his hands in the air.

"Can we go get food? They have zero Caprisuns here." Josh said rolling his eyes.

"Yes please, i'm hungry."

Later that day, they had all reached the house except Johnny and Annie.

Johnny was currently driving Annie home. They we're talking and laughing about the most random things. They surely loved each other's company. In conclusion, they made each other happy.

"Hey, um, Can you stay over today?..please?" She asked. It was hard for her to sleep after the little situation and when she was with him, it was different.

He smiled, "Of course." He said. He was always up to spend time with her.

"Thank youuu" She smiled, "You're the best" She said in her baby voice.

"More cuddling for me" He smiled to which she  giggled.

It was currently 1 am. Annie had forced him to put on a face mask and after a lot of convincing he finally agreed.

They we're having a conversation, asking each other questions. You could say that they we're deep ones, more realistic questions about life and the future.

It was good, they were letting their thoughts out. They felt relaxed, something which both of them needed.

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