Entry #3

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Around 3-4 days ago i did the eyeless jack summoning again. I did it with my friend in day time tho, we dont know eachother irl so we just did it at the same time. After i woke up, my stomach hurt. I always get stomach pain, everyday, my mom says its because of how i eat. I usually eat small Snacks between breakfast, lunch and dinner. But this time, the pain was harder and worse than usual. I felt like i wanted to throw up. Worst thing was, it hurt near where my kidneys were, both sides. I didnt think much about it, and it was around 2 pm and i had 5 more hours till school so i went back to sleep. I woke up again at 5 pm, it felt even worse than before. I decided to stay on my tablet for the next 2 hours, because if i woke up in specifically 2 hours i would be late for school. I felt watched, and my mom was supposed to be awake at 5 pm, because she usually is. I heard my mom make herself some tea. I looked Around my room, hungry. And i aaw a Black shadow in the corner that my door is blocking. I shined the light of my tablet on it and it disappeared. I got scared, now it was around 5:40 pm. It was almost time for me to wake up. I still dont know what the fuck the thing behind my door was, but im pretty sure it wasnt one of my family members. Heres also a pic of the corner behind my door

  Heres also a pic of the corner behind my door

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It was creepy, but anyway. That was all for today, have a great day/night and stay safe. Raft out.

- Raft 09.07.2022

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