Entry #41

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I have been feeling like shit for the past 3 days and wasnt able to go to school. For some reason, my temperature went up. And, ive been coughing a lot which caused my throat to hurt. I have also lost my appetite, meaning i wasnt hungry at all, so i barely ate. My mom thinks its strange that my fever and shit became worse. I have also started to hear something rolling on my moms chair or walking in her office when im home alone, since my moms office is on top of my room, i can everything coming from up there clearly. Today tho, something strange happend. I was just sitting in my room on my bed watching tiktok, when i heard someone coming upstairs. I couldnt tell apart if they were coming up, or if they were already up, or if it was just my birds making a similar noise. Since you know, birds are noisy. I first thought it was just my birds, but.. the sound was sounding too much like someone actually walking or coming upstairs, it couldnt have been the birds. I was home alone at this time, so no one was supposed to be in the house except for me, my birds and my turtle. Turtles cant make that noise either. So, i messaged my mom and told her i heard someone in our house. My mom tho, had the brilliant idea of just calling eachother and talking while i check the house. So, i called her, checked the house, and found no one. Tho, i still dont know if there is a person in our house or not. Since we have a room we call the Shop that has everything in it, but some drums were blocking the  entrance so there was no way i could check. I havent seen any shadows tho. I dont remember anything else, so just have this for today. Have a great day/night and stay safe. Raft out.

-Raft 11.10.2022

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