Entry #32

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Fsr we had to make a letter for ourselves in the future for school. All i did was wright smth abt creepypasta and shii. When i did write it tho, i kept getting dizzy all the time. I also get the taste of blood or ink in my mouth randomly. (If youre gonna ask how i know how blood tastes, yes i tasted it before and ink too 😇😇) Me, my grandma and mom had to go shopping bc we had to get some shit. When we were driving back, i saw something in the trees. Possibly slender. It was tall, i didnt see its face since it was hidden in the trees, but it had a suit and black pants. Not sure if i saw its hands. I forgot what else happend so just take this for today. Have a great day/night and stay safe. Raft out.

- Raft 16.09.2022

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