The Sister, The Aunt

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A Couple Days Later

Luz, King, and Eda were at the Eda stand at the market. Luz was reading her book to King and as per usual King said something about him being the king of something else. Eda tells Luz to stop reading that book. Luz says there aren't any customers or other stands around.

Luz: "So what's going on?"

Eda: "This is a bad omen there must be something horrible happening today."

Willow: "Luz!"

Gus: "Something amazing is happening today."

Harmony:"Willow, Augustus wait up okay." She sees them stop at her mom's stand. "Uh, How do all of you guys know each other?"

Willow: "Well she's the person I snuck into school and who became my abomination project. That also ended up giving me a plant seed to grow all those vines."

Harmony: "WAIT! THAT WAS YOU TWO! I mean I'm quite impressed with you Willow, but those vines were all over place. You know me and Edric were stuck in some of those. Which by the way was not fun."

Willow: "Uh sorry about that Harmony but it's the annual convention, student witches get to see all the types of covers before they're placed in one."

Luz asks Eda if they can go. Eda said many things about how the covers control people, and only tie them down to one track. Also somewhere along the line of a crooked system.

Harmony: "Mom it's a good idea to let Luz come with us. She can even learn different types of magic that's out there, but that also means you're going to have to come with me. I promise Gus and Willow's parents that I watch them but add King and Luz to this. I'm going to need extra hands."

Eda: "No judgment, in any case I haven't been to one since we were girls."

Luz: "We?"

Eda: "I-I mean."

Luz: "Who's we? You have a mysterious past now we gotta go."

Eda: "No."

Luz: "Okay the you leave me no choice."

King starts reading The Good Witch Azura book. Eda starts walking away. She starts calling the book so flowery and so awful as King continues to read the book. Eda opens the portal door and walks through it, before the portal door closes Luz throws King inside of it to follow Eda. Only a few seconds later Eda pops right back out.

Eda: "STOP IT! Stop it I will literally do anything to stop this."

[A Few Minutes Later]

Eda: "Ugh" As she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Harmony:"I can't believe that actually worked." As she looks at her mother.

Eda: "Let's just go inside."

Harmony: "Umm, Mom your hood?"

After Luz and King help Eda get her hood on.

Luz: "Is this cowl really necessary?"

Eda: "Do you think all my wanted posters are for petty theft. Partly but the big whammy is I disobey the law and refuse to join a coven. If I'm seen I could go to jail again.

Willow: "Maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven."

Eda drew a circle in the air, which made Willow's hoodie cover her face.

Harmony: "MOM!"

Eda: "Just get this over with."

As they entered the building there were nine banners of the main covens hanging up. They walked around Gus and Willow was telling Luz about the different types of covens. Willow decided to make a joke which made Eda mad. As the young teens ran away Harmony was going to chase after them. When she heard a man asked her mother why they looked familiar. Harmony was about to help her mom. Until she saw her mother throw a bag of hex mix on the floor distracting the man. The man was about to pick up the bag of hex mix, before Eda came back a few seconds later to put on his hood and run off with the hex mix.

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