Fears In The Shadow

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Harmony quickly runs to her locker but bumps into someone. "Oh titan, I'm sor- Ed!? Ed, I'm sorry for bumping into you."

Edric: "It's okay but are you okay? You look so tired."

Harmony: "Yeah, It's the phantom pains from my scar. And the phantom pains are really bad today. Because you know since it's grom today."

Edric: "Well since its grom I-" Before Ed can ask Harmony to grom Principal Bump came on the speakers.

P Bump: "Attention Hexside students, this is your principal speaking."

Harmony: "Oh titan, I hate this part. I hope it's not someone we know."

Emira: "I hope so too."

P Bump: "This year I have the privilege to bestow our highest grom honor to Amity Blight."

Harmony: "WHAT!? No not Amity. I have to go now." She runs off down the hall.

Edric: "Wait Harmony I umm" He just watches her run off before saying another word. "For titan's sake why?"

Emira: "Maybe next time you can ask her."

Edric: "But what if she says no. You and I know she doesn't like these event. That and her phantom pains are really bad."

Somewhere else in the school

Harmony: "AMITY!"

Amity: "Harmony? What is it?"

Harmony: "Amity, I-I argh I"

Harmony passed out and was about to hit the floor. But Luz and Amity caught her before she did. Luz was freaking out about Harmony. While Willow and Gus went to go get the Healer of the school.

Amity: "HARMONY!? Harmony, are you okay?"

Em and Ed: "Hey Mittens, What is going on?" As both see Harmony being held up by Luz and Amity.

Edric: "HARMONY! Why on Titan did she come to school in so much pain?" He runs and grabs her from Luz and Amity.

The Healer comes with Willow and Gus to see Harmony being carried by Edric. The Healer instructs Edric to follow them to the infirmary. "So what happened to her?"

Edric: "Her phantom pains on her back scar were acting up really badly today. Because today it's grom."

Healer: "Alright gently put her on the bed and you can go to your class."

Edric: "Can... Can I stay here to see if she's okay."

Healer: "Alright but after an hour I'll be calling her mother to come get her."

Lunch time 

Willow: "I hope Harmony okay?"

Amity: "Well from what I heard from Ed is that Harmony phantom pains increase double. After she heard that I was picked for grom."

Luz: "Yeah, Eda came and got her."

At the owl house

Harmony: "Argh, What in titan. Oh I am home I passed out at school. Sigh, I hope things are alright at school." Harmony decides to go to her mother's room, only to see that her mom was going through her clothes. "What in titan are you doing mom?"

Eda: "Well chaperoning for grom so I'm looking for something to wear tonight. Oh, how are you feeling?"

Harmony: "Well the phantom pains have calmed down for now. Uh so do you need help there with finding an outfit?"

Eda: "That would be nice." Eda and Harmony with many outfits. "So do you have an outfit for grom?"

Harmony: "Umm yeah I do. I just hope people don't look at my scar. Oh hey look mom I found a tux you might like?"

🦇The Little Owl Beast🦉Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora