Harmony's Beast

342 9 12

Days Later

Harmony dodges a soundwave then looks at Katya. While Raine, Amber, and Derwin watch them. " WHAT THE TITAN! KATYA! A SOUNDWAVE REALLY!"

Raine:"Harmony, Calm down now!"

Harmony:"What no, your not my parent. ARGH! I'm leaving so I can cool down."

Raine:"Harmony!" But before they can say more she ran off in the wood. " I'm going after her."

Katya:"Raine, no she needs to cool down, Okay. Something is definitely wrong right now so we should give her time."

Raine:"I hope your right Katya."

Harmony:"ARGH, I HATE THIS SO MUCH!" She sudden heard a noise before the unknown person knew a soundwave hit a tree next to them. "Who there? Show yourself now!"

Hunter:"What on titan is wrong with you!"

Harmony:"Coven Guard! What do you want? Go away now or so help me, it will not end well for you."

Hunter:"Uh, Excuse me but do not talk to me like that, and aren't you the daughter of the owl lady?"

Harmony:"Stay away from my mom, you hear me. And leave me alone. NOW!"

Hunter can hear a low growling emanating from Harmony. He look her at in the eyes only to see them black ones. "Now, now you don't want to end up like your mother right." When he finish the sentence he immediately regret it. A very loud growl that echo every where in the woods.

At the owl house

Lilith:"Edalyn, where is Harmony at? Shouldn't she be home by now?"

Eda:"Um, Well-" She did not get another word when her and Lilith heard the loud growl.

Lilith:"Was tha-"

Eda:"HARMONY! Owlbert now!"

Lilith:"Eda-" Eda left before she finish saying her sister name. She follow Eda on her raven staff. They follow the sound of the growling and see many destroyed trees in the woods.

Lilith:"Edalyn look it Echo but isn't it that Amity's bother on them?"

Edric:"Miss Eda! Miss Lilith! Where Harmony at, she didn't come over today. And when Echo showed up I knew something this wrong."

Lilith:"Edalyn and I heard the growl from the hou-"



Harmony fly in the air look around the wood. They look and see fabric in her claw. Edric try to fly closer to her but Lilith stop him.

Lilith:"Don't, She not in the right mind at this moment. She will hunt someone right now if we get close to her."

Eda:"We need to get her to the house and get some elixir in her."

Lilith and Edric:"Got it."

Edric fly close to Harmony to get her attention. Eda and Lilith also fly close to her as well. Edric got in front of her and she see him close to her. And was about to attack when Edric call her name.


She stop for a moment then in the corner of her her eye she see her aunt. Harmony starts growling again towards her aunt.

Lilith:"Um, Edalyn she growling at me."

Eda:"Lily, It's the owl beast not Harmony. The owl beast is in full control right now. Try to be very careful okay you two."

Lilith and Edric:"Right!"

In Harmony's mind

Harmony runs through her forest of her memories, as the owl beast runs after her. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" The owl beast growl trying to grab her. "Why are you run after me?" When she said that she trips and fell on the ground. She look in horror as the owl beast jump on her. "AAAAAHHH! Aaaahh! Um where am I?" Harmony look around and see that she is on a beachside. "Whoa, Why am I here? And why is there a string around my wrist?" Her gaze followed the string which led to a small owl beast on the other end of the string. "Whoa, Your so small? Hey come here little guy." The owl beast walk over to her. "Man, For being a big problem you very small right now." As she said that Harmony pets the owl beast.

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