Chapter 40: Ambush

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Aizawa: "Say that Again? Go to The Happi-Yume Theme Park? With Your Internships this close? There's only a day left before You leave for the internships" *Camera cuts to The Teacher's room, We see Gojo Joestar talking to Shota Aizawa in His cubicle* "What makes You say I'll allow You?"

Gojo: "C'mon Dadzawa! It'll be a very stressful week for Us when The Internships do arrive! And it's Aoyama that actually recommended to idea for The Theme Park!"

Nemuri: "Gojo!! My sweet, sweet Nephew!" *She came in from behind Gojo and wrapped Him in a big hug* "What brings You here?!"

Gojo: "Well, You see Auntie. This very bad and ugly looking man is refusing My and My classmate's right to visit a theme park and The right for Us to enjoy Ourselves and have fun!" *He leaned into His auntie's arms and leaked out crocodile tears*

Nemuri: *Gasp* "How dare You Shota! Hizashi!!" *She calls in Present-Mic into Aizawa's cubicle* Come here!"

Hizashi: "What is it?" *He walks into His cubicle*

Nemuri: "This Man!" *He pointed at Aizawa as The hobo-teacher's scowl just grew deeper and deeper* "Has denied My Nephew and His classmate's rights to visit a theme park and The right for Them to enjoy Themselves and Have fun!!" *Hearing this awful and controversial news, Present-Mic audibly gasp and calls on The others*

Hizashi: "Toshinori, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Power-Loader, 13! Come here-"

Aizawa: "Alright, Alright, Alright, ALRIGHT!!!" *He rubs the bridge of His nose and fumes* "I'll... let You and Your select Friend Group visit The theme park!" *Gojo, Nemuri, and Hizashi celebrate this victory* "BUT! I'll be  a little more lenient on Your curfew, Instead of You all being inside The Dorm by 8:30, I'll let You out by 10:000 but as to give You some time to arrive, Happi-Yume Theme Park is a little ways a way from U.A."


-Camera cuts to the inside of Gojo's custom room hidden in between the small gap in the wall, We see Gojo refold Himself from being paper as that was the only way to get into His Burning Down The House room. In the couches were Momo, Tsuyu, Jiro, and Aoyama

Gojo: "Guys!!" *Seeing Him return, Half of Them had Their hope ups while The Others had expected the worse* "Aizawa allowed Us!!" *The group burst in cheer and laughter but Aoyama's cheer was laced in pain and regret, something only Jiro and Gojo picked up on* "We need to pack up and leave now if We want to fully enjoy the day in Happi-Yume! Aizawa even slightly lifted Our curfew!" *The crew scrambled back to Their rooms to get Their bags*

-The group eventually make it to the entrance of The U.A. with a few of Their classmates due to some of Them going back home to be with family before The week long internship, Nemuri and Aizawa waving Them off before They leave for to The Theme Park situated at the foot of Mt. Fuji

Nemuri: "Before You leave Gojo, let Me tell You this..." *She bonks His head* "If there's a villain, Run! Don't fight! You know what happened last time..."

Gojo: "I know Auntie... I'll try My best... I'll keep a close eye on My group! and They'll keep a close eye on Me"

Nemuri: "Good to hear My Sweet, Sweet Nephew!" *She kissed His Nephew's forehead as The U.A. Bus Aizawa had called in For Them to get there arrived at The gates* "Your Escort's here, Safe journey!" *With that, The group headed off towards The Happi-Yume Theme Park*


-It was a long but rather interesting trip there as Momo had a tour-guide which had the map, info, and history of Them Theme Park. Camera cuts to The road towards The Foot of MT. Fuji, The group of Five were at the very back, lounging and looking at the sights They never got the chance to see, Tsuyu and Aoyama were looking out the window while Gojo and Jiro listened to Momo read the book

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