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The grand welcome of the brides are arranged by the Sehgals. The whole entrance area is decorated with red carpet and marigold petals on it. Few event-girls are standing with rose petals in their hands to welcome the brides. As soon the watchman sees the Sharmas arriving, he informs Sehgals who reach the door to welcome them. Sharmas get down the car and slowly walk towards the entrance while the event-girls shower rose petals on the family to welcome them. Yuvraj extends his hand to Juhi who happily holds it and enters the house with him. Bela is about to enter the home but her leg gets stuck in lehenga and falls on Mahir who holds her and helps her enter the home by holding her hand. Sumitra sees it and feels strange about it but doesn't say anything.

 Sumitra sees it and feels strange about it but doesn't say anything

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(Writer: Posting only Behir's pictures)

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(Writer: Posting only Behir's pictures)

Soon another car arrives and the family goes out to welcome Chhavi and her mother. Chhavi greets Mahir's parents and enters the home. Mahir takes her to the stage and they sit on the chairs along with Yuvraj and Juhi.

Chhavi: The decoration is awesome baby.

Mahir: Yes. I chosen the theme and design myself.

Chhavi: That's why I love it so much. And you look very handsome.

Mahir: Thank you.

Chhavi: Am I not looking good?

Mahir: Of course you are... You are looking very good.

Juhi leans towards Yuvraj and whispers: Why is she begging for praises? If he liked her outfit and look, he would have told her himself.

Yuvraj: Not everyone get smart wife like me.

Juhi chuckles and looks at Bela who asks what happened but she nods in negative. Soon guests start arriving.

Sumitra: Andy. The priest should have come by now. Where is he?

Andy: He has already arrived. He will be on stage when necessary.

Sumitra: Thank God. Everything is perfect. Now all we have to do is wait till the auspicious time to come.

A person informs Mahir about the media waiting for the couple's interview, outside in lawn. He takes Chhavi with him to the lawn and greets the media.

Media: Congratulations Sir and Mam.

Mahir and Chhavi thank them.

Media person 1: Sir, when are you both getting married?

Mahir: Very soon. By the end of this month.

MP2: So, you are not shooting for your serial now?

Mahir: Of course we are. We won't do injustice to the project we signed up.

MP3: Sir, where is Bela Mam? We want to speak with her.

Chhavi: What? Why? Mahir is getting engaged to me... Not her.

MP3: We know Mam. But we want to speak to her.

Mahir sends someone to bring Bela and soon Bela comes to the lawn. Media takes Bela's pictures and praise her for her looks.

MP2: Mam, what is your feeling about this engagement?

Bela: I am very happy for my friends. They both are very dear to me. And now we are going to be relatives as my sister is getting married to Mahir's brother.

MP3: Mam, are you feeling any weird thing that your co star and close friend is getting married to someone else?

Bela: What rubbish! Don't start any rumours. Me and Mahir are very good friends. That's it. And I am happy for them.

Media: We want the couple pictures of you two.

Bela moves aside while Chhavi poses for pictures with Mahir.

Media: Sorry Mam. We already took your photos. We are talking about Mahir Sir and Bela Mam.

Chhavi's face falls and fumes but Mahir assures her its fine and asks her politely to move aside. He then holds Bela close to him and media takes their pictures. The trio go back inside while Chhavi looks angrily at Bela.

Chhavi's friends ( Riya and Lisa ) greet her who hugs them happily.

Riya: Look at you ... You are looking so beautiful and hot!

Chhavi: Hehe... I know... I spent all day in the parlour for this look.

Lisa: That's ok... But why Mahir is giving so much importance to that girl?

Chhavi: Which girl?

Riya: The one who took photos with your fiancee on your engagement day.

Chhavi: Bela? Don't tell me guys. She is so irritating. She keeps roaming around Mahir for no reason. She should have explained to him but instead, she shamelessly flirts with Mahir. I don't like her at all. But I have to bear her because she is the sister of Mahir's brother's fiancee.

Lisa: Nice way to stay around Mahir all the time.

Sumitra comes near Chhavi and says, " Chhavi, come to the stage. Its time for the puja. ".

Riya: Eww ... Pooja? You guys are having engagement here or some religious gathering that you will do pooja?a

Mahir hears them and goes near them.

Mahir: Chhavi, they are not aware of my family and our ways but you are. Tell them to keep quite if they are unable to participate in others' happiness.

Chhavi ( fuming ) : Mahir! You are insulting my friends.

Mahir: I am not. If I insult anyone, they won't have the guts to stand here like this.

Chhavi's mother ( Poonam Agarwal ) goes near Chhavi and holds her shoulder. She signs not to speak anything who shuts her mouth. Poonam then takes Chhavi to the stage and makes her sit on her chair.

Chhavi: Maa ... Why did you stop me?

Poonam: Can't you remain quiet till engagement? You know Mahir loves his family a lot so shut your mouth and make your friends not say anything against them. Or else you will only suffer.

Chhavi: Huh! I will see!

Yuvraj and Juhi too come to stage and sit and then Mahir too sits beside Chhavi.

Mahir: I don't like anyone saying anything against my family.

Chhavi: I know... I am sorry baby. I Love you.

Mahir (giving fake smile) : Me too!

To be continued...

Hey guys! I know it has been weeks since I updated this story but what to do... I was busy and wasn't getting time. Finally I am able to post the next part of this story.... And don't worry. I won't take much time to post the next part. So... Enjoy it and don't forget to share your views in the comments section and don't forget to VOTE!!
Thank You 💕


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