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The guests started leaving after witnessing what happened. The whole Sehgal family and Sharma family are hell shocked to realise how the evening turned into disaster. Bela slowly takes steps backwards and runs crying to guest room who is followed by Juhi and Yuvraj. Mahir also turns to go there but Chhavi holds his hand and stops him.

Chhavi: How dare you to spoil the happiest day of my life? How could you do this to me?

Mahir jerks off Chhavi's hand and shouts: Shut up!

Sumitra: Mahir... Go and talk inside.

Mahir: No Maa. Enough of her dramas. (To chhavi) What did I do that you are saying your day is spoilt? What did I do? I got engaged to you, damn it! I proposed you for marriage, bent before you in front of everyone. I fought with my family for you and you are... I still can't believe that you are blaming me? What did I do?

Chhavi: What did you do? You are asking me? Let me show it myself.

Chhavi goes to the stage, picks up the card and then runs back to Mahir and throws it on his face.

Mahir picks it and starts reading. He recalls how he chose the bracelet for Chhavi.


Salesperson: Sir, what do you wish to write in the card?

Mahir: Dear Love, I am lucky that you came in my life as my life partner. I am blessed to share my life with you. I promise to shower you with lots of love and gift in every occasion related to us. Your love, Mahir.

Salesperson: Is it for your wife, Sir?

Mahir: No, my fiancee.

Salesperson: Ok.

He writes the message on the card while Mahir looks at Bela who is busy checking necklaces wearing them in the mirror.

Salesperson: Sir, can I say something?

Mahir: Yes.

Salesperson: Sir, I think this message is looking like a formality.

Mahir: Means?

Salesperson: Sir, the message should shower love with every word... Instead of showing this formal approach, I think you should think of more loving message.

Mahir: Thank you for suggesting... Give me a moment...

Mahir tries thinking what to write and then his gaze again falls on Bela.

Mahir: I guess this one will be better.

" I am the luckiest person in the world to be your love and to get to love you. My heart beats for you and you are the only one I want to be with forever. I Love You. Thank you for coming in my life.

Your love, Mahir "

Salesperson: Now this sounds very romantic and I am sure madam will fall for you more after reading this.

Mahir chuckles and nods his head. The salesperson rewrites the message.

Flashback ends.

Mahir: I don't understand how Bela's name is written on this.

Chhavi: What do you mean? Obviously you must have chosen this gift for her and by mistake you gave it to me... Or maybe your true love wanted me to see what is going on between you two and that's why...

Mahir shouts: Just Shut up!!

Poonam: Mahir! Behave yourself. You can't shout on my daughter like this.

Mahir: And is it fair if your daughter misbehaves with my family and insults me in front of everyone?

Poonam: Mistake is yours. You gave her a gift which has some other girl's name.

Mahir: So? Does that mean she will slap that girl and accuse us of affair? Are you having any sense, Chhavi? You know me since years and this is what you are doing? You threw away the engagement ring I chose for you personally? You give this much respect to our engagement? You know what? I am done with you. Enough of all these dramas and all...

Sumitra: Mahir! No. Don't say such things.

Mahir: You were right, mom. Chhavi can never become a good daughter in law. (To Chhavi) You know what, Bela was the one who helped me choose this gift for you when I was unable to decide which one I should gift you. She was the one who helped me convince my parents for pur marriage... And this is what we gifted her in return!! An open insult in front of everyone!

Sumitra: Poonam ji, I think we all should end the event here. Both the children aren't in right mood so they should take rest and think calmly. Lets meet tomorrow evening.

Chhavi: I am not going anywhere until Bela and Mahir apologize to me for the insult.

Poonam: Shut up Chhavi. Lets go from here.

Poonam drags Chhavi forcefully out of the house and they leave while media clicks their pictures. Andy and Sumitra apologize to Bela's parents for the insult of Bela and spoiling the evening of JuYu.

To be continued...

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