Search for Eden🤌🏻

73 4 28

By FloydLocke

A group of teenagers is faced with a zombie apocalypse. They fight for their lives, ending up together, yet, for what? Just when they thought there was no exit to that situation, they find out about Edens, the last heavens on earth. Looking for their way out of the literal apocalypse, searching for Eden, they will have to face hell. 

Honestly, I wasn't too intrigued by the story. As a producer, you'd be amazed by the number of post-apocalyptic zombie-teen drama concepts I had to read. None of them have ever seen the light of the day. 

Also, you have a big presentation problem at the moment. I'll be more specific after. 

So, why did I give it 🤌🏻?

Merely because of writing skills. 

You asked me to review your work as a book, not a Wattpad story, therefore, here we are. 

Your book has a publishing level. Which still means it has problems, don't get me wrong. Yet, you have everything it takes to interest people. I read almost the entire book. 


1. The writer's trick

This author got it.

The well-hidden secret of creative writing: CHARACTERS.

Did I ever nominate their importance?

If I didn't, I'm doing it again.

In the perfect story, there are a maximum of 6 characters (otherwise, we start to forget them) in an interesting arena.

Oh, look at FloydLocke's story. Six characters. In a zombie apocalypse.

As one dies (no spoiler), another one is introduced, therefore the count stands still.

Also, before the apocalypse starts, each of them is introduced to the normal world, which makes them more relatable. You're free to pick your favorite.

Also, they have the perfect combination of charm and realism.

2. Structure and rhythm

First, characters are introduced. They're all presented in their natural habitat and each part has a perfect little climax that keeps you hooked.

Then, shit hit the fan. The apocalypse starts in media res and how all the characters ended up in that house is slowly explained, without too much of info-dumping.

Finally, a problem set them up again for disgrace. No electricity.

They solve it.

They manage to find a solution, the light at the end of the tunnel: an Eden.

As the main goal is introduced (just as I was thinking I would simply kill myself in that situation, tbh), a new villain appears: phantoms. Chilling, black, aggressive. Great villains, much better than zombies.

3. Details

From Adam's intelligence to Whynn's manual capabilities, everything is entertaining and gives a feeling of cure and research.

4. Core

This book, even if it falls perfectly into the zombie's genre, has a strong core. The hope at the end of the tunnel, the Eden, shines bright on the character's desperation, enhancing every difficulty, every danger. 


1. Chapters

Again, presentation. I loved your characters and introducing them with little inserts was brilliant. Also, the pictures were a touch of class.

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