Drugs, Treasons and Other Demons - complete

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Here to announce, proudly, that @HappyCoati finished her book! So proud of you :)

Since she requested a new review on the finished product, here it is.

I'm still figuring out whether to add this to the original review or not, but for the moment I'll just keep it here.

First of all, @HappyCoati, you gave me a heart attack.

I left your book at chapter 42. When I agreed to review the rest of it, I expected to find around 20 more chapters and re-read the ones I had already read, just in case you had edited them... guess what I found?

Holy moly, 92 chapters?!

And not short chapters, oh no. Around twenty minutes each. Basically, by the time I finished reading the whole thing, I could have read the Hunger Games saga.

But I would have had a lot less fun.

I tried to avoid spoilers as much as I could, but my advice is to read the book before the review!

Even if you don't plan to, you could get something useful out of this review.

Let's get to business:


1. Arch(es)

I have already said this in my first review, I'll say it again in a couple of notes... but your characters are very realistic. And it's not just a still-life portrait of a person. They move, evolve and surprise you.

Sarah, Emilia, Sara again, starts out as a not-like-other-girls. She's funny, but all the bad experiences that happened to her made her self esteem and self respect crumble. As a result, she's quite judgy, cynical and surround herself with people who mock and despise her. And while her sassy soul is visible to the read, she's so closed off that the doesn't even try to defend herself.

Basically, she's the perfect subject for a toxic relationship, which is exactly what happens to her.

But by the end of this first book, she's definitely stronger in her will and self esteem. She even start to take her revenge on the same type of girls who bullied her at the beginning. But it's not just that, she slowly understand she deserved much more than Pablo's treatment. She's pragmatical in her SPOILER SPOILER escape with Juan, in her judgement of the boy.

Yet, she never really loses a darker side, which is a part of her love for Pablo. It's too early to say wether this is her journey towards becoming an evil empress for Pablo, or just a very powerful woman in general, but I know for sure I'm going to enjoy every second of it.

2. Toxic love

You end up cheering for them. Feeling guilty for it. Regret it, hate him. Being slightly admired? Hate him. Again. It's a constant rollercoaster of emotions so painfully accurate in it's realism.

Basically, you get to enjoy the drama and the highs of a "do it for the plot" relationship, almost as if you were in it yourself. But without the years in therapy afterward.

3. Text to speech

Might seem like a small thing, but I loved it.

Text-to-speech allows a better and easier experience for little nerds with visual disabilities, ADHD or dyslexia. Now everybody can experience a dark romance in peace!

I love your inclusivity.

Also, I could listen to the story as a podcast, while I was on the subway, cleaning or at the gym.

- Just a note (it's my job): many find the automated voice soulless, sometimes even annoying. You can find a lot of freelance dubbers on websites like Fiverr, or you could try finding a dubbing student to help you. You could also consider handling that by yourself if you're as cheap as me ;)

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