The drive in- Robin

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   You sighed as you slid on your jeans and cropped top. You and your longtime crush, Robin, were going to a movie 'as friends'. You have your hair curled, light but not unnoticeable makeup, and an outfit you know he likes. You were going to the Texas Chainsaw massacre,  you know, for the thousandth time. 

 He had seen that movie more times than you could count, and yet still insists on watching it every Friday night until it comes out on video. You did not protest, you knew he loved it. Finally, you heard a knock on the door, as your mom called "Y/N, YOUR FRIEND IS HERE"

You smiled, eyes shining and all. You then sprinted downstairs, smiling. There, at your door, was Robin, his same bandanna, hair like always, and a smile plastered on his face. You smiled towards your mum, then she said "Be home at 11:00" 

You nodded, before exiting the house, Robin's arm around your shoulders. "So, how are we getting in this time?" you asked, knowing you two usually sneak in  the drive in or actually went to the theater. 

"I was thinking ice cream and snacks, then sneak into the drive in." Robin said, nodding his head. You smiled, nodded back, and internally screamed, he was really hot. As you walked past, you noticed the school's biggest 'tough boy', Vance Hopper, beating the hell out of Moose. 

Moose was the school's biggest bully, and he normally targeted you and a couple others. Robin, Vance, and three other boys were like best friends, along with the girls you suspected the other boys had a crush on. Robin quickly approached Vance, arms still securely wrapped around you. 

"Hey, what happened" Robin asked his friend, and Vance looked up from the bloody boy beneath him. "Just you know, beating the weed out of Moose". Of course, you thought.

Vance and weed. Things that just fit together like puzzle pieces. Of course, Vance wanted weed. Robin was chuckling, as the boys started a conversation. The conversation lasted around five minutes before Vance went back to knocking Moose unconscious. 

As you guys approached the ice cream place, Robin pulled out a small wallet. You smirked, before saying "you know, I can pay right? I'm not broke"

He smirked back, winked, then replied "well too bad, because you're not paying at all. No paying for snacks, or ice cream, or actual drive in tickets."

You rolled your eyes, before ordering your favorite flavor ice cream. Robin ordered some kind of mint type, which he had already kind of eaten. You laughed, and you guys walked six blocks to the convenience store for some snacks. 

You got your favorite candy, along with your favorite drink and chips, yet again, he paid. You smiled at him, as he grabbed the mound of food you two bought, and started to carry it. 

You sighed, before saying "Robin, the movie is seven god damn blocks away, may I carry something?" 

He rolled his eyes, before saying "Nope, I got it." Which caused you to roll your eyes as well. Boys are just so stubborn. But maybe a bit cute. 

You smiled back, as you guys entered the fence gate. The gate had a big hole in it, allowing you two to sneak in and hide between two cars. Not the safest spot, but you know, who the hell cares?

Somehow, Robin and the food got through, and you two took a seat. You two started munching on snacks, you both went after the ice cream first. After that, you guys were still eating, and you put your head on his shoulder. 

He wrapped his arm around you tighter than last time, just as Bubba whipped out his trusty chainsaw. Robin laughed, and softly screamed little "whoohoo's" at the movie playing. This was the good part. 

You weren't scared of the movie, hell you weren't really scared of anything. Especially now that you've seen this movie every weekend for two months. 

You almost felt your eyes close, and you felt a strong arm pull you closer. You smiled, and laid there for a bit, hearing the movie in the near background. 

Finally, you sat up, and took a drink of the drink you bought. Then, you felt a hand turn your chin to face him. Robin's hand. He sighed, mumbled something like 'I can't believe I'm doing this', and then grabbed your face again, kissing you passionately. 

You kissed back, feeling fireworks spark from your heart. You both then split, your eyes wide and smiling. He then grabbed your hand, looked at you, took a huge deep breath, before saying "Y/n Y/l/n, will you go out with me, and maybe be my girlfriend?"

Your heart burst with happiness, and you quickly responded with "Yes!" before smashing your lips back together. 

After moments of kissing, that turned into a rough makeout session, you both pulled apart. 

He laid his head on your shoulder, pulled out some popcorn he bought, and gave you some handfuls. You were both deeply smiling, eyes wide and happy. Plus, the popcorn was really good. 

As you guys shared snacks and focused on the movie, it was like time had stopped. Everything was perfect at this moment, and you were...happy. 

After the movie ended, he got up, and bent back down. You laughed at him, before asking "Robin, what the hell are you doing?"

He smiled, before saying "get on! come on!" 

You laughed, before getting on his back. He picked you up, and grabbed all the trash, throwing it away in the side trash. 

Then, he stared at his watch with a sigh. "It's 10:00. We still have a half hour to waste. Want to get milkshakes?" 

You nodded, gripping tight onto his shoulders. You guys made it to a mediocre milkshake shop, and you both ordered your favorites, sitting down to enjoy. 

Once you finished, he piggybacked you all the way home, kissing your cheek, and then leaving into the night. 

You had a smile plastered on your face, for you finally pulled the love of your life..

So, this is the first imagine I've ever written. So it's probably not good. Sorry about that. 

Anyway give me requests for anything!

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