When you're clingy vs. when they are

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I'm cleansing everybody from last times weird a*s request- 

I don't question people....but after that I probably should 

Requested by: Finneyisbae

Finney when you are clingy: 

-hugs you 
-happy boy because he loves you 
-matches your energy 
-"Hi love!!!!!!!! Hugs!!!" 

Finney when he is clingy: 

-snuggles into you 
-lays on your shoulder and buries his face in 
-wraps his arms around you and hugs you 
-begs to cuddle you 
-"y/n!!!!!! Cuddle timeeee! Pleaseeeeeeee!" 

Robin when you are clingy: 

-lets you cling 
-hugs you back 
-kisses you lots 
-gives up and just cuddled you 
-"You're really clingy today hermosa/hermoso/other" 

Robin when he is clingy: 

-hugs you and cuddles you 
-kisses your cheek a lot 
-repeats your name over and over
-lays on your stomach
-"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! LOVE MEEEEEE"

Bruce when you are clingy:

-just let's you hug him 
-tries to match your energy 
-gives you all the love you want 
-"Are you okay? You're awfully clingy today.." 

Bruce when he is clingy: 

-hugs you 
-kisses your cheek a lot 
-puts his head in the crook of your neck 
-finally you give in and stroke his hair 
-"mmmmmm hi!" 

Vance when you are clingy: 

-kind of annoyed 
-likes your kisses so he deals with it 
-very weirded out 
-doesn't know what's happening 
-"Y/n? Are you pranking me?" 

Vance when he is clingy: 

-lays on your lap 
-after awhile, you laid down and he immediately crushes you 

Billy when you are clingy: 

-matches up with your energy 
-lets you lay all over him
-hums his favorite song 
-"You love meeeee!" 

Billy when he is clingy: 

-won't leave you alone 
-lays on your chest 
-wants all your attention 
-ends up sleeping 
-"hii! I missed youuuuu!" 
-"Billy I've been gone for five minutes-" 

Griffin when you are clingy: 

-he likes his space, but loves you more 
-lets you lay all over him
-he likes his spot on your shoulder, so if he gets to lay there, he is gold 
-gives you hugs and kisses when you ask for it 
-"Hey are you okay? You don't love me this much..it's making me nervous" 

Griffin when he is clingy: 

-lays right on his spot on your shoulder
-lots of kisses and cuddles
-doesn't really speak much 
-"Please don't move, I'm really comfortable"