Chapter 15

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Y/n cleared her throat and swallowed. "It hurts."
She put one hand on her chest. "Like something is pulling inside." Her words were separated by gasps.

B: Shh..! Don't talk.
Ben put his finger to her lips
B: Save your breath.
But that was actually part of the problem. She was saving her breath. Or her body was. In order to pull fresh air into her lungs, she neded to be able to push the old air out.
B: Try to breathe in through your nose. It will moisten the air and filter out some of the smoke. And then breathe out through your mouth. Purse your lips like you're going to whistle. Try to exhale twice as long as you inhale. That will help empty out your lungs.
As Y/n followed her instructions, she started to look
a little less agitated.
But Ben was watching her mouth, her lips begin to
slowly lose color until they were pale violet. She still wasn't getting enough oxygen.
Y/n was about to die, when some girl appeared.
Girl: What happened sweetheart? You are having an asthma attack! Hold on! Try to hearth I have got a inhaler somewhere.
The girl ran away. Y/n was thinking that the girl will never come back and that this are her last seconds on earth.
Y/n: If I die...
B: Don't say that! You won't die.
Y/n: I will be with you after death.
B: No no! Everything gonna be okay, just hold on okay?
Y/n was holding up because of her powers, if she had no powers, she would have died already.
Y/n: Ben... if this is last time when we are talking... I want you to know that I... I love you.
B: I love you too. But you won't die. You will live, just don't close your eyes, please breath!
Y/n hold Ben's hand and was about to close het eyes, when appeared that girl with inhaler. She immediately helped Y/n. Was Y/n breathing any casier? She had managed to calm herself, so her breathing was slower, but it still seemed to be requiring all her effort.

Only a few moments later color started to return to Y/n's cheeks. Her lips went from violet to pink to red, and her shoulders dropped back into place.
Taking a full breath, she let it out with a sigh of relief. It was echoed by everyone around him. Even Ben relaxed. She sat back on her haunches, her tongue unfurling like a pink streamer.
Y/n: Thank you very much. I think you just saved my life.
Girl: No problem, but you need rest, let's go to my house.
She helped Y/n to stand up and they left to her house.

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