Chapter 27

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Y/n: I am too tired.
B: I know that you are exhausted, but we need to get to the home.
Y/n: I'll call someone, maybe they can come and get me.
B: Yea. Do it and faster. You need rest.
Y/n: Oh shoot, my battery died.
B: What?
Y/n: I guess we need to get home on feet.
B: Then it's better to start now.
They started to walk.
Y/n: What if we get lost? I've never been here.
B: I was, there is club nearby. Klaus goes there often. Then I help him to go home. So I know the way.
Y/n: Okay, then show me the way. And I'll follow you as your princess.
B: So I am prince here.
Y/n: Finally you got it.
They laughed and continued their way. It was about 11:30pm. They needed to walk an hour or maybe 40 minutes. It depends how much tired they were.

At home, Five was worried about Y/n.
F: Hey guys. Did someone see Y/n?
A: In morning she went to practice with Ben.
F: So she is gone from morning?
V: No. I remember she came back in evening. Then something happened and she ran away.
F: What? I am calling her, but she is not answering.
K: We need to find them.
F: Wow Klaus, you just got it!
K: See, I am smart.
F: Do you know something called sarcasm?
K: Yup dude. He is my friend!
F: He is drunk! Get him out of here.
K: I can go by myself. Bye dudes!

Y/n was really tired. The reality of the last twelve hours- of running for saving other's life over and over, of near misses and panic, of one injury or problem after another, of exhaustion sapping the
strength from her muscles--seemed like just how things worked now. It was hard to imagine ever breathing clear air again, or licking her lips and not tasting ash, or bring down between crisp white sheets. Hard to imagine finally being safe.

Ben: Don't worry there is 30-40 minutes left to home.
Home. The word was almost painful. Something so
familiar, so longed for, but also so impossibly far away.
B: Everything's gonna be okay dear.
After 5 minutes of walking some thieves started to come closer to Y/n.
Thieves: See?! A beautiful girl, tired and exhausted. Walking alone. A perfect victims!
B: You are not alone Y/n. I am here, they just can't see me. Stay calm okay? Don't be scared.
Y/n: I am not scared, it's okay Ben.
Thieves: Why aren't you running away?
Y/n: Listen here. Go and find someone else. I am tired and don't have mood for fight.
Thieves: We won't go.
They started to come closer. Y/n tried to use her powers but was too tired for that.
B: Please concreted Y/n!

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