argyles sister

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this lots of times skips, warning u‼️
watch out for spelling mistakes‼️
warnings- drugs/smoking, kissing, cussing
aged up 16/17
(1163 words)


Y/n's POV (byers house)

"how do i look, do you think mike will like it?" el asks me twirling around in her dress. "of course he's gonna like it, you look hot!" i exclaim. her cheeks immediately turn red.

she's so fucking cute.

"are you gonna go to the skating rink with us?" el asks sitting down next to me. "no! you know i hate that place" i tell her. she just nods.

"girls come get in the car were gonna be late" jonathan pops his head in. el excitedly gets up and runs to the van, while i follow closely behind her. "get in little sis" my older brother argyle says, i roll my eyes and hop in slamming the door behind me.

"hold on to your butts brochachos"


(at the airport)

we all pile into the airport going to find a seat to wait for the infamous mike wheeler.

we find a space that fits all of and sit. el is sitting on my right holding my hand axiously awaiting. will is sitting on my left holding his painting. i notice his leg is bouncing up and down. i can hear jonathan and argyle rambling about jonathans girlfriend not coming.

"he's here!" will says standing up from his seat. we all stand up with him, i let el stand infront of me so she can run to him first. a boy in a weird outfit starts approaching us. "MIKE!" el shouts running to him, she gets to him and he immediately pulls her in for a kiss.

that's mike? what is he wearing?

"mike!" jonathan says as mike approaches us. "hey guys" he says awkwardly, eyeing will. el looks at me and suddenly remembers something. "oh, mike this is y/n. she is argyle's sister, aslo my best friend, i even let her call me el!" she exclaims making mike look at me. his mouth drops a little but he quickly stopped himself from gawking.

"n-nice to meet you" mike says taking his hand out and shaking mine. his eyes remain on mine until el speaks. "let's go i want to show you around" she takes his arm, leading him back to the van.


(at the byers house)

we arrive at the byers house after the incident at the roller rink. walking in the smell of food fills my nose. i see a weird man with a beard wearing a apron. "hey murray" jonathan waves at the man. me and my brother exchange a weird look. "come sit and eat kids" murray says.

i walk to the table and pull out a chair but mike does the same chair as me. i look up at him and he quickly pulls away his hand. "it's okay you can have this seat" he blushes. will looks at him weirdly then sits down next to me.

once we all find a place to sit down we start talking. "so mike" el says getting his attention. "you will be staying with argyle and y/n." mike chokes on his food a bit. "is that okay?" she asks. "yeah, yeah. just why?" he questions.

"we don't have enough beds her. but, they live just down the street and have just enough room for you!" she tells him. "okay sounds good" he says.


(at argyle and y/n's house)

"anddd this is your room" i stop at our guest room.

"this is cool" he says looking around like a little boy. "thank you again" he says looking down at me since he towers over me. "of course. just let me know if you need anything, i'm right next door" i say heading out. "got it" he nods with a smile, i smiles back.

"hey!" he says. i turn around and look at him. "goodnight" he tells me. I chuckle at his awkardness. "goodnight mike."


(next morning argyles house)

"Y/N!" my brother yells waking me up. "WHAT?!" i yell back turning over in my bed. my bedroom door opens and argyle pops his head in. "were goin to the byers house" "ill walk there" i respond closing my eyes.

the front door slams and i hear his van drive off. i toss and turn trying to fall back asleep but i can't. i groan and get up to get ready for the day.

i find a decent outfit and change into it. i then throw on a bit of makeup & put up my hair. once i'm ready to go i stop by argyles room. digging though his desk, i find his stash of weed. "bingo" i mumble.

grabbing a pre-rolled blunt i take it to the couch and smoke it while watch cartoons. once i feel like i'm ready to leave i get up and start walking to the byers house.

as i'm almost there i see a police car drive away from the house & the group standing outside looking stressed.

"what did i miss?" i ask myself.

finally arriving, argyle sees me and walks towards me. "hey chance of plans little sis, we are gonna take mike back to our house with us. jane got arrested so will & jonathan are gonna go get her back." he explains.

"jesus" i mutter. "hey, wheeler! were goin back to my place." my brother says leading us to the van.


(back at your house, nighttime)

"hey y/n, can we talk?" mike asks, standing in my doorway. i turn off my music. "of course, come sit" i usher him to sit on my bed. "sooo what's up?" i ask. "oh nothing i just really wanted someone to talk to, i would talk to argyle but he's 'too high to talk'". he says making me laugh. "that's not shocking" i giggle.

we then end up talking for about an hour, really hitting it off. then suddenly he turns serious.

"hey i know this is super random but your like really beautiful." mike says making my cheeks heat up. "really? i mean thank you" i stutter at him. "of course" he says gently looking into my eyes.

we both start leaning in, lips only centimeters apart. then my senses finally come back to me. "wait" i pull away from him. "what?" he questions staying in his position. "your, your dating el." i mumble looking down at my lap.

"we broke up." he says simply then pulls me into a passionate kiss.

our lips move against each others perfectly. our kiss quickly grows needy. i move to sit on his lap, not breaking the kiss. we both pull away for a second.

god his lips are so soft.

"el doesn't have to know" his voice is raspy. "this could be our little secret" he says exciting me. "okay" i agree with a smile. he suddenly picks me up, making me squeal, i wrap my legs around his waist. he locks the door then brings me back to my bed throwing me on it gently. he crawls on top of me and starts kissing me.

what have i gotten myself into?

i hate this lol.

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