Chapter 13

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The sunlight streamed through the leaves. It casted shadows with beams of light in between. A soft breeze blew by, carrying the heat of the sun away. From above Kanzaburou flew leisurely, causing petals from the flowering trees to fall down. Cheesestick walked with pace beside me, occasionally stopping to sniff something then catching up again.

I breathed in deeply and let out a sigh. The scenery and atmosphere were heavenly, it was like something straight out of a book.

Giyu and I had been walking for a while now. The route we took was much different than the one from headquarters to his estate. It was much nicer and the sights were memorable but it was longer, atleast according to Giyu.

I placed my hands on the back of my head and closed my eyes, "God i can't wait to be back h- well at your home, and rest."

"If you even can. We've been out for two weeks so its likely we might get a mission even on the way there." Giyu deadpanned, his face never changing from the usual 'idgaf' expression.

I groaned in annoyance, "Kanzaburou hasn't said anything yet though? So what are the chances we will get another mission before we reach the estate?"

Giyu shrugged, "It just happens sometimes."

I furrowed my brows, frustrated at the possibility we might not even reach the estate. All my stuff was back there including the journal. The thought of it had always been the back of my mind. I thought it'd be safer for it to be at the estate but anxiety always clouded those thoughts. What if someone broke in? What if a demon broke in? What if Muzan learned of what it can do? I dismissed these thoughts, reassuring myself that the journal was fine. The nervous feeling still lingered though.

"Christ i hope we do make it back. All my shit is at your estate and i'd rather not leave my phone or the journal behind again. Not to mention im carrying my old clothes and bringing them into battle would be inconvenient."

Giyu's eyes gazed at me. He said nothing but quickened his pace. I followed in suite. The sooner we can get back at the estate the better and clearly he agreed. I prayed to whatever gods there were that Kanzaburou wouldn't blurt out a mission till we got home.

I had some ideas in mind that i wanted to write in the journal. For one i wanted to write for a motorcycle like the one i used back at home. It could carey up to two people so i thought it would be good to have around for missions. I already knew how to drive and it would save our energy im case we were to head into battle right away. Not only that but i missed riding my motorcycle. The feeling of the wind hitting your body, the speeds it could drive at, racing with other people. It was exhilarating and so far nothing has lived up to it. Not even the heat of battle could top the feeling of going 80 down an empty road. The sunset casting golden rays over you as your earbuds play the perfect song for the moment. I tell you it's like heaven.

Not only that but i wanted to spice up this adventure, like some star vs the forces of evil kind of shit. The only thing is i don't know what to write for. I was thinking of making Cheesestick a messenger cat for missions but that's really about it. Ah whatever, not everything needs some insane inter dimensional beings.

I glanced at Cheesestick wondering what his voice would sound like. I'm thinking higher pitched and maybe sophisticated as most anthro cat stereotypes are.

Maybe i should dye my hair. I like green, that would be cool. I'd look like a creature. A feral look would be cool, would fit well with my mas- my mask. I forgot my fucking mask at the estate. A key feature of my look and to hide my identity. I forgot it at the fucking estate. What the fuck how could i have been so careless. Well whatever we killed that demon anyway. All i could hope is that the towns people won't spread word about a strangely dressed stranger. Though i feel like the fact we were carrying swords might be more concerning to them.

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