Chapter 6

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"Are you sure about this babe?"Liam asked his now boyfriend.

"Pleas princess.You know it's not good for both of them."Zayn said.

"I know Zayn but this isn't a way.You can't lie to them.It will be worst that way."Liam said worried and sat on his boyfriend's lap.

"I just don't want them hurt."Zayn said and buried his head in his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Love is stupid thing and I don't want them to get hurt

by it.I got hurt by it and I didn't them to go trough the same when I cans stop it."Zayn said and made Liam's heart broke.

"Then why are you dating me?"he asked and Zayn pulled away from his shoulder to look at him.

Zayn regretted what he said the minute he saw Liam's hurt expression.He opened his mouth to speak but Liam cut him off.

"Why are you in relationship with me when you think love is stupid?Why Zayn?"Liam asked upset.

Zayn just looked at the floor.He knew the answer.He know he is already in love with Liam and he is over the fact that Liam will leave one day so he wants to enjoy while it last.When Liam didn't get a respond he just got up from Zayn's lap and left.

"Liam wait."Zayn said but it was to late because Liam was already out of the room.

He angrily made his way to Harry's room and slam the door shut making Harry jump.

"You need to stay away from Louis."Liam said sharply.

He know what he is doing is wrong but he was just so mad at Zayn right now and he wasn't thinking straight.

"What?"Harry asked acting dumb.

"I know you've been fucking around with him since the start.If Zayn finds out he is going to kill us all."Liam said.

"Liam I-"Harry started but his best friend cut him off.

"I know you catch feelings easy and I don't want you to catch feeling for him."he said.

"And why is that?Don't you want me to be happy with someone?"Harry asked a bit hurt by Liam's words.

"Because he has a boyfriend."Liam blunted out.

"W-What?"Harry asked shocked making Liam's heart ache.

"I saw him with some guy in town and they looked like a couple and I know you have a thing with him.So when Louis left I asked the guy who he is he said Louis is his boyfriend."Liam lied and saw hurt took over Harry's face making him regret lying to his best friend.

Harry sty silent making Liam feel even more guilty.Liam opened his mouth but Harry cut him off.

"Can you please leave?I just want to be alone right now?"Harry said.

"Are you sure?"Liam asked and he just nodded.

Liam let out a guilty sigh and left the room.When he come to the hallway he saw Zayn standing there.

"Happy now?"Liam asked coldly.

He didn't wait for a respond and just went to his room. Zayn just watched him leave and let out a guilty sigh. Now what this actually happened he felt guilty for doing this to Louis and Harry but he know what is done is done. He took a deep breath before going to Louis room.Louis was laying on the bed watching a movie on TV.When he heard the door opening and looked up at Zayn.

"What's up?"he asked when he saw Zayn's worried expression.

"We need to talk."Zayn said and sat down on the bed.

"What's wrong?"Louis asked worried and sat up.

"I know you're having sex with Harry."Zayn said and Louis froze.

I'm fucked now,he thought to himself.

"I saw him with some boy in town few days ago."Zayn said feeling little bit guilty for lying to Louis.

"Why are you telling me this?"Louis asked hiding the fact that he was hurt by new information.

"Because I saw them kissing so after Harry left I went to the guy and asked him what he was to Harry and he said he was his boyfriend."Zayn said making Louis' heart brake.

He couldn't believe Harry would cheat on his boyfriend with him.

"I-I'm going for a ride."Louis said holding back tear.

Zayn watched his brother leave with guilt in his stomach and he sigh.He made his way to Liam's room and his heart broke at the sight.Liam was sitting on the bed crying with Niall comforting him.When Niall heard the door open anger started boiling inside of him.

"What the fuck do you want!?"he hissed at Zayn angrily.

"Watch your fucking mouth."Zayn said angrily.

No matter how guilty or upset he was he wouldn't let anyone talk that way to him.He was on the top and no one talked back to him.

"I'll talk to you the way I want.You hurt both my best friends because you're scared of your fucking past."Niall said angry.

"I don't want Harry and Louis to go trough what I went trough."Zayn said.

"Love is a gamble Zayn.You never win and you never louse.Just because your love died it doesn't mean it will happen to everyone else.You need to move on from what happened to Perrie."Niall said making Zayn's heart ache but at the same time he become angry.

There is no way he can move on from Perrie.He know he has to but she will always have special place in his heart and mind.Without any words he left because he didn't want to hurt Niall or the beautiful boy he was scared to admit he loves.Liam watched him leave and broke down even more while Niall's disliking for the boy just grow even more.

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