Chapter 13

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I woke up by someone kissing my bare shoulder then jaw,neck and then my new scare and making their way further down.I smiled at the soft lips that were kissing softly my stomach.I felt soft lips pull away from my stomach and kiss my lips softly.I let out a sigh of relief and felt someone brush my hair out my face.

"You're cute when you're asleep or sleepy."Louis said and I smiled to myself before opening my eyes.

"I'm also cuddly."I said and he chuckled before kissing me softly.

I felt the sparkles and butterflies went crazy in my stomach.I pulled away from the kiss and looked at the boy I was so hopelessly in love.Yes I love him and I'm not ashamed to admit it.Louis is amazing and beautiful person and I fell in love with him.

"I made you breakfast."Louis said.

"Oh god.I hope you didn't burn the kitchen down."I chuckled and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm not that bad of a cook."Louis whined like a little child and lay on top of me.

"I'm sorry to tell you this babe but you are."I said and kiss top of his head.

"Well then you won't get the pancakes I made you."Louis said and got up from me making me miss his warmth.

"Nooo.You're warm."I said and pulled him down again.

He chuckled and started kissing my neck softly making me relax.

"Sometimes is hard to believe you two are in mafia."Liam's voice rang trough the room making us both jump.

"Fuck off."Louis said.

"We have to go.We have work to do."Zayn said.

I looked at the door and saw him,Niall and Liam standing there while smirking.

"Do we really have to go?I just woke up."I whined.

"We told Louis to wake you up earlier but he didn't want to."Niall said and I sigh.

"We'll be down in half and hour."Louis said.

Three boys nodded and left us alone.Louis sat on my stomach and smiled at me.I smiled back and he poked my dimple making me blush a little.

"We should get up."I said.

"Yea we should."Louis said and kiss me before getting up from me.

He made his way to my closet and took my clothes as I started eating the breakfast he made.

"This is really good actually."I said.

Louis smirked to himself and get to bed to hover over

me. He peck my lips and sat on my lap again.He took the fork from my hand and started feeding me.I chuckled as I opened my mouth.

"Told you I don't cook that bad."he said and peck my lips.

We spend a little over half hour eating and getting ready. When we were finally both ready we made our way downstairs.We took everything we needed and made our way to the car.Niall sat in the driver seat with Zayn in the passenger seat while the res of us set in the back. Liam and Zayn intertwined their hands and I smiled at them.I felt Louis wrap his hand around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.We all sat in silence and did our own things until we come to Liverpool.When we come there Niall parked few building behind the bank and we put our masks on.

"So to went trough the plan one last time."Zayn said.

"Liam stays in car and hacks security system,Louis and Harry take care of hostages while Niall and I take care of money." he said and we all nodded.

"Good luck baby."Liam said and kiss him.

"Disgusting."I said and we exited the car.

Niall took the tools and I took the guns for me and Louis. When we checked we had everything we made our way to the bank.There wasn't a lot of people in there.We all looked at each other and nodded before entering.We shoot the ceiling and everyone started screaming.

"Everyone on the floor."Louis shouted.

Liam and Niall shoot the security guards either in the shoulder or knee and dragged them in one corner.Louis and I lead people in other corner.

"Security is off and I locked the doors so no one can enter but you can exit on back door."Liam said into the earpiece and we all nodded because we knew he saw us.

Zayn and Niall made their way to the back while Louis and I searched everyone and took their things.

"I'll go see if I find someone who tired to hide."Louis said and kiss my cheek trough the mask.

He started looking behind the counter while I looked at the hostages.When he was on the third one I heard a scream.I turned around and saw Louis jumping over the counter with girl around the age of five.Louis picked her up and she stated crying and she looked scared.

"No pleas.Leave my daughter alone."I heard one woman say and I saw her get up.

"Sit down."I said and pointer a gun at her making everyone scream again.

I turned to Louis who was now sitting on the floor with the girl and he looked so cute with kids.

"Shhhh princess calm down.I won't hurt you look."Louis said and put the gun down and let go of her waist making her calm down a little.

"You oke now princess?"he asked her and she nodded.

"I want my mummy."the little girl said sadly.

"Is the woman who stud up before your mother?"I asked and she shook her head.

"Who is she to you then princess?"I asked.

"She is my daddy's new girlfriend and she doesn't like me at all.She only like her son Ben."she said sadly.

"And what's your name princess?"Louis asked her.

"It's Emily."she said.

Before Louis could answer her three shoots were heard

and I felt sharp pain in my stomach.I looked down and saw blood coming from my stomach.I put my hands over it and looked at Louis who was shocked.I heard everyone screaming and I fall on the floor.

"No."Louis shouted and rushed to me.

"You deserved it darling."I heard voice say.

"You stupid bitch."I heard Louis say.

I heard another shoot and a lot of screaming.My vision become blurry and I felt sleepy.

"H pleas love.Stay awake."Louis said and pressed some clothes over my wound.

"I-I'm going to die."I said and smiled sadly.

"No no no.H you won't die.I won't let you die."Louis said with tears building in his eyes.

I smiled at him tiredly and put my hand on his cheek.He put his hand over mine and close his eyes.

"I love you Louis."I whispered so only he heard me.

His eyes shoot open and tears fall from them.

"No no no.Pleas don't."he said sobbing.

"I love you Harry pleas don't leave me like this."he sobbed.

"I finally find what I was looking for all my life and I can't lose you now."Louis said and I wiped his tears away.

"I love you Louis.Never forget that."I whispered and everything went black after that.

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