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The Kazanov family was a very old one

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The Kazanov family was a very old one. Since maybe... The beginning of humanity even, they were one of the families whose power kept the world in balance.

They essentially created the afterlife.

Each family represented something vital. Life, Nature, Time. Death.

Most gifts in the present day could be traced back to one family or another.

Those descended directly from the families couldn't truly die. It was simply the nature of their power. They were ones of few that could be truly brought back to life.

Most souls, when they die there's no way to bring them back.

But the way these four families worked... Their souls were compatible with the bodies of others.

Normally if you brought someone back you had to bring their body with them.

That was the difficult part.

But the way they came back had it's problems.

Souls could keep coming back for centuries in new bodies but...

Souls didn't retain memories. That was the body.

Souls retained emotions. Hatred, love, joy, pain. They retained trauma.

The things that burned themselves onto the soul.

But no memories.

So when one of them would come back... They would know nothing about who or what they were before.

It was a difficult concept to explain. After all, it was never supposed to be explainable. It was just supposed to exist.

And it was upsetting. Especially for those that soul would leave behind.

Historically, it had been incredibly difficult for soulmates.

Not only did the love of their life have a new face, and a new body but... Really, they were a completely different person. With new memories. New experiences.

It was hard.

They were the same soul, the soul you were connected to for eternity. But they weren't the same person.

You would love them, but you would still have to mourn the person they used to be.

Often times it didn't have to be explained.

Mostly because not as many people chose to come back as others had in the past.

Niko never planned to come back after she died.

Telling the soulmates, that you hadn't even fallen in love with yet, that one day you would die. And choose not to come back. That you didn't want to be immortal.

It was more than difficult. It felt impossible.

Knowing the pain it would cause.

It felt cruel. But she had to. It would be unfair to let them think they had eternity.

Even if it was a hard pill to swallow.

"No. You're being ridiculous!" "He doesn't want to care about you only to lose you in what will feel like an instant. He thinks he would rather have never met you than have you ripped away when he loves you."

Didyme's words hurt. They did. Niko would admit that. But she knew it was fair.

Honestly, she could see why Caius would prefer that. Sometimes she preferred that it went that way.

He was angry, they all were. And they had a right to be. Niko knew that what she was doing was selfish.

"We're suppose to sit back for what, 70 years, at the most!? Watching as you slowly die!?" Caius really did try not to yell. But he was so angry that it would've been impossible.

Aro and Marcus were just as angry as him. Maybe more. But they didn't want to say a word. Because they knew they would yell. And not a little.

No one came back for love. Honestly, almost everyone who chose to come back did it out of hatred. For revenge. Niko didn't want that for herself.

Just coming back at all would suggest that she was filled with so much anger, and hatred while she was alive, that it burned itself into her soul. So much that even without her memories, she would know who hurt her.

"He's going to try to turn you." Didyme's warning came just a second too late.

She could feel Aro's teeth in her neck. For just a second she faintly heard Stacy and Marcus yelling at him. Then it felt like she started to fall.

"Did you think I hadn't tried that, Aro!?" It hurt more the second time.

Niko caught herself against the table as she squeezed her eyes shut. Everything felt like it was out of focus. "I'm sorry. I had to."

She tried not to react. To neither the pain or the anger she felt. But like Caius, Niko's anger was difficult to control.

Stacy tightly wrapped her arms around Niko from behind, while her breathing began to grow heavier. "Niko, try to calm down!"

It took her a second, but Niko was able to push Stacy away. "Okay. I expected that."

She spoke quietly as she slowly reached towards the table. "That's why I already had a friend, you probably know him actually-" She was pissed.

The four stared at her, confused, as her hand seemed to wrap around something that wasn't there. Truthfully, Aro, Marcus and Caius didn't even know how she was standing, much less awake.

"His name's Henrik." Caius stepped towards Niko as he heard the name. "You know, it's easy to pull things back and forth, so long as they're not connected to a soul."

Niko brought her hand up, and they were able to see the syringe appearing in her hand barely a second before it was in her chest.

It wasn't possible for them to stop her before she had injected herself with... Whatever it was. She took a breath and pulled the needle out of her chest.

"Venom from a dead werewolf hurts alot, you know. But even dead, it renders vampire venom useless. Do that again and you'll see how much more painful it can get after the venom dies."


Well I mean, there's set up i need to do before the happy so

When the story makes your shitty writing serve a purpose>>>>

I wrote this between like random am hours so

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