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Daria Jameson was a fairly distant relative to the Kazanov family

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Daria Jameson was a fairly distant relative to the Kazanov family.

There were only three people in the world actually apart of that family left. No one knew who she was.

Her birth name was McKenzie Kazanov, but it was changed when she was adopted. The records were sealed, so the only thing anyone, particularly the Volturi, could find out was that she existed. Somewhere.

Technically she could've been anyone.

Of course, Daria didn't know about any of this. The extent of her knowledge was that her birth parents were dead and that she was adopted.

She preferred not knowing who they were, or how they died.

It worked for her. She liked her life how it was.

She had friends for the first time.

While she didn't actually like her family, in fact she hated them and actively avoided them, Daria wasn't interested in going to look for another one.

They were the kind of people who only thought they wanted kids.

But Daria had made peace with it.

It wasn't perfect or amazing, but she liked her life as it was. There wasn't anything she really wanted to change.

She had an apartment, a job, and she was close to graduating highschool. It was difficult but she managed it all.

Things worked as much as she needed them to.

Nothing needed to change. But for some reason it felt like things would.

"I know you never met her, but it'd mean a lot if you came."

Daria opened her mouth to say something, but at first only a sigh came out. She didn't know what to say.

She sat on the bed, while Renesmee stood in front of her with this... Hopeful look on her face. "Ren it's the anniversary of your aunt's death. You should spend it with your family, especially since some of them are coming from Italy." It didn't feel appropriate to Daria.

She never knew the woman, and even if she did she wasn't family. That was meant to be a day you spend with just family, in her eyes.

And it would probably end up just making everyone uncomfortable. "I know, but you're like a sister to me! You don't have to meet anyone, I just want to have you nearby incase it all.. becomes too much."

Renesmee thought Daria truly had a gift. Maybe not a supernatural one, but one nonetheless. She was so good at calming those around her.

It wasn't like Jasper where he, essentially forced you to be calm. Daria was more like... A comforting presence. It wasn't supernatural, it was just a human skill.

Daria hesitated. "Alright. Maybe I can stay a bit until they leave. I can... Tell my boss I got covid." It felt a bit wrong to take advantage of how understanding her boss could be, but they prepared food all day so he made sure anyone sick took time off. Especially if it was covid.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Renesmee hugged Daria tightly, causing the other girl to freeze slightly before returning it.

Hugs had always felt a bit weird to her. She wasn't sure why.

Renesmee stumbled slightly as she jumped off the bed. She ran over to her dresser, turning the speaker down as she answered the facetime call on her phone.

Behind her, Daria was jumping on the bed, singing along to the music playing.

Propping her phone up against the wall, Renesmee smiled as she saw Didyme.

Behind Didyme, Renesmee could slightly see Stacy and the kings, talking about God knows what.

"Oh, Renesmee you have a friend over?" When Daria heard the unfamiliar voice she stopped what she was doing and took a second to catch her breath.

She dropped down to sit as Renesmee spoke. "Yeah, this is my friend who has too many phobias that i told you about!"

Pulling a pillow out from behind her, Daria threw it at Renesmee as Didyme chuckled. "I just wanted to let you know we'll probably be bringing Jeremiah with us."

Renesmee found it a bit unusual but not exactly odd. He usually avoided the Cullens but he and Didyme had become friends.

"I'm sorry, just how many people are coming?" The question made Renesmee turn to face Daria.

Her hesitance to answer made Daria groan in annoyance.

"I'll let you... Deal with this."


It's a start okay! That's better than no start! I have troubles with starts

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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