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Testtube didn't have anything to hide. This could go smoothly, and everything would be fine, and her and her friends could continue on with their evenings in peace.

Or that's what she thought. Leading the orange egg down into the lab with her, she had expected the much smaller egg to be right where she left it, because really, why wouldn't it be? Sure, she would've loved to research it more, but there was a time and place for everything, and surely there'd be other things to research anyways. So she could give up on the egg, especially if it ensured the safety of her friends.

Walking into the room of her lab, she gestured to the safe testing machine she had hooked it to, with a smile;

"See? It's right here. I have no reason to lie." And of course she only noticed it wasn't there after those words had left her mouth.


"Where is it..?" The orange egg floated through the room, its light hands opening cabinets and such, not finding it.

"Ahaha, well um... It was right there," She walked over to her desk, to where it SHOULD have been.

"Is this some sort of trap? Or a bad joke? The Prime warned you what would happen if you turned out to be lying." The orange egg turned to face Testtube, its expression not pleased.

"I-- I really don't understand, it was there, I left it there when me and Fan left the lab and the base, it SHOULD be there!" Testtube panicked, stepping back, and away from the egg, putting two cautious hands in front of her. She was surely just making herself look more guilty, but right now was not a time to be thinking rationally. She wanted to run now, because maybe, just maybe she could make a better plan not being abducted, but through all of her now racing thoughts, she knew if she ran, it'd make it worse for everyone else... Though for once, her body didn't listen to her brain, as the next thing she knew, she was running. Testtube wasn't the most athletic object, sure, but she had good enough stamina to at least make her way out the back door of her lab--

At least, until she was tripped up, a bit of her green liquid spilling out in the process.

The orange egg was not pleased in having to forcefully drag her back to the ship. She couldn't even come up with an explanation for coming back empty handed. The egg was gone now, and she knew this wasn't going to end very well. So she was thrown back into the holding cell, with Lightbulb... and Taco?

"Wh-- what the hell?" Testtube Tensed up, seeing as Lightbulb was sitting in the corner again, her expression completely dull and emotionless, though her eyes were brighter, for some reason mismatched blue, something Testtube had never seen before, and Taco in the other corner of the room, completely unconscious. The orange egg either didn't notice or care about the third object in the room, as the door quickly shut.

"Lightbulb, are you--" Testtube shut herself up, as Lightbulb said nothing, her eyes only drifting over to meet hers, an almost unreadable sense of rage in her eyes. Maybe asking her could wait...

"Uh... Nevermind," Testtube frowned. She had clearly missed something, as it now seemed Lightbulb was more unstable than before, the electricity crackling off her only having become more intense.

So Testtube ran over to check up on the unconscious Taco, glancing back at Lightbulb every once in a while, just to be safe, as she checked for a pulse... Still breathing. Testtube lightly shook at her, to no response... Making Testtube's thoughts only race even more. She looked back at Lightbulb again, freezing up a bit at realizing she was staring directly at her still, but Testtube kept her composure.

"What... Happened." Testtube spoke, trying to remain a bit calm, but Lightbulb's complete tone shift from being usually happy to... whatever this was, was frankly unnerving.

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