Chapter 14

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Seto's POV

This is how training went,

Light a spark of electricity,

Get smacked by Brice's sword.

Throw it and hit him, but only dazing him,

Get smacked by Brice's sword.

Get knocked down,

 Get smacked by Brice's sword.

Hit him back with some plasmic fire,

  Get smacked by Brice's sword.

Actually last an hour in this pattern and fail miserably,

 Get smacked by Brice's sword.

Just another Wednesday...

I finally snapped by the end of the period, "WOULD YOU CUT THAT OUT ALREADY?!" I boomed, exhausted and irritated.

"Okay, okay. Jeez." Brice shouldered his sword and helped me to my feet. "You seriously need to work on your attacks."

"No kidding," I muttered, crossing my arms. "Can you go check on the girls please? Make sure they didn't cause trouble or anything, I need to take a breather."

"Okay, see ya!" he chirped, heading down the hallway.

"Touch Tyra and you're dead. Unless its a dire situation."

"I know, I know..." he sighed.


"Seto! Seto! Seto!"

I turned around to see Brice running straight toward me. He skidded to a stop in front of me, putting his hands on his knees, panting and gasping for air.

"Seto! Come! Now! Girls! Trouble!"

I stared at him blankly, "Brice, calm down! Slowly, tell me what happened."

" t-time! Hurt! G-gone! Come! Now!" Grabbing my wrist, he sped back into the hallway, dragging me along with him. 'What is he talking about? What happened?'

His tone was full of panic and complete fear. That's what startled me, showing this was a serious matter. Usually, his voice is cheerful and upbeat, much like his personality. But now, it was the complete opposite, stuttering and frightened. Even little teardrops pricked his wide eyes, definitely a shocker. He almost never cried, unless someone- Oh God....

We finally arrived at our bedroom door, but he refused to enter. "Brice, please tell me what's going on! What happened to them?"

"I-I can't explain... g-go s-see yourself... b-but t-t-try not t-to f-f-freak out a-and d-d-don't blame m-m-me..."

'Okay, something's going on.'

I placed my hand on the cold, metal doorknob, slowly turning it and pushing the door ajar. I could actually feel my pupils contract, the first time I actually screamed in about a month. 'No... way... this... just... happened...'

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