Chapter 35

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Jesus, has it really been this long?

Sorry about that. But I have good news! I was originally going to abandon this story since I didn't have any more ideas, but now I plan on finishing it. Also, things are about to get confusing. Just letting you know. (Also, this is short and may not be updated again for a while.)

~ Kay (the author, don't get confused)


Kay let out a yelp of fear as she was snatched up in a loose fist and carried away, her captor leaving the room with a mischievous grin on his face. When the door creaked shut, Seto and Tyra exchanged nervous glances.

"Uh... should we be concerned about this?" Seto asked warily.

Tyra stifled a yawn and laid back in her boyfriend's palm, her eyes half open. "Probably not, Brice wouldn't hurt her. And besides, what's the worst he could do?"

Seto remained silent for a moment, pondering how accurate the statement really was, then a soft smile tugged at his lips. "You're probably right," he reasoned. A small yawn escaped him as he leaned back. "He isn't that cruel, as far as I know."

Tyra's face curved into a scowl, her eyes closed as she glared at nothing in particular. "To her, at least," she muttered.

Seto sighed. "You can't hold a grudge forever, can you?"

"He hurt me," Tyra argued. "I yelled at him, even begged him to let me go. It just went in one ear and out the other."

"Well, that's Brice for you. But he learned, didn't he?"

Tyra paused, staying silent for a moment. "I guess so," she said finally.

Seto smiled again, bringing the tiny girl up to his face and gently nuzzling her. His caramel eyes were weary from the lack of energy, but sparking with warmth. "Love you," he murmured.

Tyra scoffed and shoved him away, forcing herself not to giggle. "Yeah, yeah," she said, attempting a smirk.


Shadows danced across the dim room as a lithe shape crept across the floor, hesitantly padding toward an occupied desk chair. Starr ducked her head and lowered her tail, gulping before she parted her jaws to speak.

She was interrupted by a cold voice. "I take it you didn't succeed?"

Starr winced and averted her amber gaze from the blood-chilling teal stare. "No, master. The blonde one got in the way. I... I've failed."

The speaker's voice became a low growl. "Why on Earth do they risk so much for that insignificant pest? If they had any sense at all, they'd leave her to die." He paused, absentmindedly touching a blackened patch of skin on his cheek. "The sorcerer. Any updates?"

"Energy-deprived. Using too many spells I take it."

"What is he doing now?"

"Sleeping. The dark-haired girl's with him."

"Her condition?"

"Healthy as a horse, as far as I can tell. It's as if you never harmed her."

"Ugh, what a complete waste of my time. I should've just killed her when I had the chance." The speaker's ears perked up. "Could that be accomplished?"

"Not with that bloody sorcerer guarding her all the time, and it'd be impossible to catch them off guard now."

The speaker frowned, looking slightly disappointed. "Ah, of course. Anything else?"

"Well..." Starr hesitated, then sighed. "I've had a vision."

The speaker's mouth twisted into an excited grin. "And?"

"I... I saw you, master, in your other form... in the woods. You were chasing after a wounded fox. The scene changed and..." She stopped, shaking her head.

"Go on," he urged.

"You won't like it..."

"Go on." The voice became a snarl.

"You were dead, master. Lying on the ground, your blood staining the grass, and a magic-bearer was standing over you."

Silence filled the room. Starr's legs quivered as the hybrid's face became blank. Suddenly, he stood up, towering over the feline. His slit-pupil eyes burned into hers.

"Magic-bearer? You're saying a sorcerer is going to kill me?" he growled.

Starr replied, her voice shaking. "Y-y-yes, m-master."

He bent down, his outraged face inches from the cat's. "Him?"

The she-cat shrank back, her eyes pleading. "I-I don't know, I-I only know it's a m-m-magic-b-bearer."

The hybrid held his stare a moment longer, then sat back down, his expression calculating. Finally, he looked back at the terrified she-cat.

"I need to ask you another favor, and failure is not an option this time..."

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