Chapter 31

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Brice's POV

"Seto! Calm down for God's sake!" I tugged at his purple cape (or whatever the hell it is) trying to stop him, which was easier said than done, as he thrust open the door and walked briskly through the threshold. All I managed to accomplish was being dragged along in his path of anger. Even though I was behind him, I could tell his eyes were sparking like mad with violet electricity. Does he gain more strength when he's mad or something?

He came to a halt at the desk where the girls were and crossed his arms. "What's going on here?!" Seto asked bitterly, his voice louder than usual.

Knowing my attempt to stop him was useless, I let go of his cape and examined the scene. Tyra lay sprawled out on the desk, unmoving. Kay sat beside her, covering her nose with one bloody hand and frantically ripping her jacket into small strips with the other. Matrix sat further away, leaned against the wall while pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

Kay glanced up at Seto, her bright blue eyes as wide as dimes, and gulped, "Uh... hi Seto..." she greeted, attempting to plaster a little smile on her face.

"Don't 'Hi Seto' me! Tell me what happened!" I was shocked to see Seto yelling at Kay, and so was she.

"H-hang on a second," she stuttered. Kay took the ripped pieces of fabric and placed them over Tyra's wrists, which were apparently soaked with blood. The red liquid seeped into the multicolored fabric until the flow finally slowed and stopped. Then she looked back at Seto, swallowing hard. "Sh-she's lost a significant amount of b-blood."

"No $#!+ Sherlock!" Seto snapped, his eyes blazing. "Stop stalling! Why is she unconscious? And why are you bleeding out your face?"

Kay whimpered and was about to speak, but was interrupted. Matrix stepped in front of her, spreading her long black wings in an aggressive yet protective manner. "Oi! Stop yelling at her! It wasn't Kay's fault!" she shouted. "It was my fault! Whoever that girl is fell on Kay and I pounced on her. My claws weren't sheathed and she was already hurt from the fall. Don't take out your reckless rage on someone that didn't even do anything, you vlákas!"

The insult (I think?) made Seto even angrier. "So I'm the idiot here? What's your excuse for attacking every person you meet?!"

Matrix went silent for a few seconds, then lashed her tail and growled, "There's no point in this argument! Are you gonna help your friend or not? If you really wanted to help her, you wouldn't keep up an argument about whether or not you're an idiot and just do it!"

"Fine," Seto uttered, his voice slightly softer. "Just get out of my way."

Matrix folded her wings and stepped aside, sending Seto a final glare before sulking back to the wall. Kay had crept further away, hugging her knees tight to her chest and quaking in fear. Seto's eyes instantly faded to turquoise when he looked back at Tyra. He gently cupped his hands under her limp body and lifted her off the desk, examining her wounds.

"She'll be fine," he said sadly. "There's just a few reopened wounds and bruises, along with those wrist cuts. Must've fainted from blood loss."

Seto traipsed back into the closet without another word, his eyes clouded with worry. Up to this point, I was bewildered. I was the one who would usually rage-quit and go insane, and Seto would be the reasonable one. But apparently, it was the other way around for the time being. I looked back at the girls, seeing that Matrix had gotten up and knelt beside Kay. Kay kept her terrified look, staring at the ground and breathing shakily with her ears pinned against her head. Matrix's stony look changed to one of sympathy as she wrapped her good wing around her trembling friend.

"You okay?" Matrix asked, flicking her scaly tail in concern.

"N-no, hi-his eyes... th-they were- th-they just- looked like-" Kay was cut off by a series of sniffles and sobs before full on crying. Streams of blood continued to trickle out her nose, leaving both tear tracks and crimson streaks on her face.

"I know, I know... I'm sure it's not what you think. You've seen his element, it's merely his magic," Matrix explained. "He won't hurt you like... he did."

That's when my curiosity took over, "What are you guys talking about?" I questioned, leaning closer to them. Matrix shot me a violet-eyed glare and spread her wings further apart threateningly, the unmistakable message 'stop asking questions and go the hell away'. Kay cried even harder, tucking her head between her knees and wrapping her long tail around herself. I made the smart decision not to pry and left with a brief "Okay then, tell me if you need anything." and made my way back to the closet. We're gonna have a serious talk.

*[ A longer chapter just for you people.  I know it's not actually that long and could be longer, but I leave cliffhangers on almost every chapter so jus deal with it. I'm gonna try to make my chapters more detailed with a little less dialogue. Yes, this chapter is rather confusing and misleading plus the Seto rage quit, but dun worry, most of your questions will probably be answered in the upcoming chapters.]*

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