A/N : Comment your thoughts.

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  Hello readers,

  You are probably annoyed that this isn't a chapter update.

  Worry not, for I will be working on it for the time being. The last chapter of this book will actually be coming soon. Not next, but soon. It does have a sequel, so don't be alarmed. :3

  I may have almost killed the most-liked character in the book, but that doesn't mean it'll end without at least a little bit of a bang. XD

  In the meantime, I would like your opinions on something a friend and I will be working on in the time to come.

  I started to write a backstory book for Kay a few years back called "Captivity." I didn't have enough ideas at the time, so it stopped short and went nowhere.

  Over time, however, I have developed and manipulated her story in a different manner. I had no inspiration to work, but now my friend has helped out with several ideas and I'd like to try once more.

  Would any of you be interested in learning more about Kay and her life before Shrunken? It won't contain most of the characters in this book, but it will have many unique new characters that will take you by surprise. 

  Her story so far seems to be the most complex and creative of all my other characters' backstories.

  While I would also like to rewrite Tyra and Seto's stories, I haven't quite developed a plot for them yet. (How they came to meet, what happened to her during kidnapping, how he got away from his daddy issues, how their whole cute hopeless couple factor got started, etc, etc.)

  The book will be called Inhuman rather than Captivity. Does that sound like a better name? Or perhaps Animal? I'm still a bit indecisive.

  It may be quite a while before this new story comes out, but I wanted to hear from you all beforehand to know if anyone would anticipate its arrival. If so, I will try to start sooner rather than later.

  It will contain some cruelty and violence. It will contain friendship, hardship, trauma, and vengeance. It will contain a little humor here and there and eventually romance. Some characters will be extremely hostile and badass, while others might be so cute you want to hug them to death. There will be characters related to Seto.

  Also, if you do read it the whole "Tribe" thing will start to make sense. 

  Thank you all again for taking an interest and liking in my work. I always strive to provide quality writing and I quite enjoy making it for you all. :)

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