Chapter 21

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Tyra's POV

"Kay...? Kay?!" I yelled, staring in shock at the lifelessness of my friend. Brice gaped at her, holding her collapsed body gently. "I-I don't understand..." he stammered.

"Give her to me," Seto offered, setting me back down on the cold desk. Brice gave the fainted kitsune one last worried glance before handing her to Seto. The sorcerer examined the tiny hybrid in his hand, prodding and mouthing words under his breath.

"Why on Earth...." Seto uttered aloud finally.

"What? What is it?!" Brice and I asked in unison. Seto knit his eyebrows, not taking his eyes off of Kay, "Well, she has a broken leg, her neck's been punctured, and that glow seemed to be from a chemical reaction."

"Chemical reaction?" I repeated confusedly, still staring at the young fox hybrid. "Wha...? Why would she have chemicals inside of her? And what types?"

"I don't know..." he murmured, answering both of my questions. "She's only unconscious, thank God, but... we'll need to question her about this. When she wakes up of course..."

Seto wrapped her leg in small pieces of gauze, securing the bandage and laying her little body on his bunk. "She'll be okay, as long as she lets her wounds heal. I've never seen chemicals like those before... they're almost like..."

"Magic?" Brice interjected half-heartedly.

"Sorcery," Seto corrected. "Or some really messed up science... Hopefully, this isn't uncommon. Or maybe its something that hybrids are supposed to experience..."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I've been wondering about her past life, but never mustered the courage to ask. Now I wouldn't have to, the boys would. If Kay was ever reminded of anything from her past, she'd get emotional and nearly be brought to tears. But then again, what kind of heartless people could have hurt her?

Seto brought me out of my thought process, lifting me into the air by my middle. "Thought I forgot about you?" he smiled. "No... I was just... thinking..." I replied, shifting uncomfortably in his firm grasp.

"Hey, stop squirming or I might drop you. And neither of us would like that," he said sternly.

"Hold me correctly and you won't," I countered, folding my arms.

"You really think you can order me around at this state?"


"Think again," he jested, lightly pecking the side of my face.

"Seto...." I complained. "Not in front of Brice..."

"Don't care," he answered, brushing his fingertip against my braid.

"Stop petting me, I'm not a pet."

"You are to me."

"Oh shut up."

"Guys!" Brice interrupted, pointing at Kay. "She's whispering stuff! In her sleep!"

"If you don't keep your voice low, you'll wake her up," Seto muttered.

Silencing our voices, Kay started thrashing wildly, yelping things we couldn't make out. Her face twisted in fear and panic, tears dripping from her closed eyelids. Emitting several cries and whimpers, she wrapped her tail around herself. 'It must be a nightmare.'

"No..... stop..... please.... don't hurt me....." she yipped, more tears sliding down her face. "Its me..... not a rat....." I can't stand it when she cries, the sound could dishearten anyone.

'Not a rat? Hmm... where have I heard that before? (Hint the sarcasm.)'

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