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Heeeey people. 

You're probably wondering why this is taking so long to update.

Well, that's because I'm not.


I've honestly lost the enjoyment I used to get from writing this story.

I know how it's going to end and what's going to happen, I just don't feel any inspiration to write.

I guess I have a very severe case of Writer's Block...

As much as I hate disappointing people, I don't want to force myself to write anything either.

So I've pulled another one... not updating and stuff.

But there's at least some good news.

I don't just write this story, I have many others that include some of the same characters featured in this one plus many other new ones. 

So, if you want to see any more of Seto, Tyra, Brice, Kay, or even Matrix (she only got like a few chapters in this book what the heck) you can read others, too.

If you just like shrunken stories, I'm writing another story called 'Your Mess is Mine'. It's main focus is on different characters, but it still will feature the trio of misfits. I'll also be writing One-Shots, some having to do with shrinking or borrowers or what not.

That's really all I can offer, unless you have suggestions which I'll gladly take.

If you liked this book and were hoping for an update, I'm sorry. But for now, I'm done with it. Maybe in the future I'll end it off or add a little summary explaining what happens, but don't expect anything soon.

Thanks for reading,


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