Chapter 33

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Kay remained in her depressed and frustrated mood for the following few days, taking a toll on everyone else. Her cheerful, timid self had drained away, leaving behind only sheer bitterness. If anyone, even Brice, tried to pick her up or so much as touch her, she'd growl and snap that she wasn't helpless. Seto tried apologizing to her, but she only replied "Whatever." and scampered away.

Brice, Seto and Tyra spoke amongst themselves, trying to figure out why she'd be so upset. Seto blamed himself for the dramatic change in attitude Kay had had, even though Tyra did her best to convince him that it wasn't his fault and that she must be suffering from a certain loss. Brice attempted to lighten everyone's mood as best he could, but it seemed as though the intense feeling of melancholy was contagious.

Seto had his elbow propped against the desk, his face in his hand, boredly staring at the brewing stand in front of him. A single glass bottle was strapped to the device, filled with a bubbling, silver substance. How long is this thing gonna take? he thought miserably. It seems like forever.

Tyra sat cross-legged next to it, but her gaze wandered toward the corner of the window sill, where Kay usually stayed. Kay was curled up in a tight ball, quivering as if she were crying, but Tyra couldn't tell from so far away.

She thought for a moment more, then stood up, tossing her braid over her shoulder and casually walked toward Seto. Tyra tapped his arm, and his gaze immediately shifted to her. He put his arm down, sitting up straighter and giving her a warm smile. "Need something?" he asked.

"I... I want to talk to Kay," Tyra responded, a look of concern on her face.

Seto looked over his shoulder at the window, then back at his tiny girlfriend. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" he inquired. "I don't think she's in the mood to talk."

"She... she might listen to me, and besides, her bark's worse than her bite," Tyra reasoned, seeming as though she were trying to convince her herself more than Seto.

Seto ran a hand through his hair, absentmindedly pushing his hood off his head so it hung below his shoulders. "Well, first of all, she actually did bite Brice earlier, so I guess he'd be the only one who can confirm that...." He bit the inside of his cheek, staying awkwardly silent for three short seconds. "Second, maybe you're right. She might listen to you."

Tyra felt a faint spark of hope and smiled up at Seto. "So, I can?"

Seto cast her a worried glance, before grinning and gently running his finger across her head. "Just because you're teeny doesn't mean I have complete authority over you," he chuckled. "How could I say no to you? Just be careful, okay?"

As much as Tyra didn't like being pet like an animal, she was glad to see her boyfriend in a happier state. "Promise," she answered.

Without another word, Seto carefully scooped her into his palm and walked to the window sill. He deposited her on the edge, before quickly turning to leave, the silvery potion beginning to hiss and bubble more. Kay paid them no attention, remaining in a fetal position in the corner where the window met the wall. Tyra traipsed toward the crying hybrid, hesitantly kneeling beside her. "Are you alright? You haven't been acting like yourself lately," she inquired.

Kay looked up from her knees, her eyes puffy and red. "I-I'm sorry..." she quavered. "Th-there's just so much on my mind and-" She paused, sniffling. "-and M-Matrix said I'm a fool to stay here, waiting to grow back... or hope th-that my friend's okay."

"Your friend?" Tyra echoed questioningly. "You mean Matrix or...?"

Kay stuck her finger around her glass lenses and drew it across her eyelid, wiping away a tear. "Before I c-came here I was staying with a f-friend of mine, Nathan... He had only just found out I could shrink unintentionally, and when he did, he was really surprised," she continued. "H-He took care of me for a couple days, th-then... one day, he took me to the window and told me to run away as far as I could." She swallowed hard, sucking in another breath shallowly.

"He looked s-so terrified. And-and when I left.... I saw him in the window, thrashing and breaking things. Hi-his eyes... they t-t-turned gold. I heard two different voices, but he was the only one there. I ran away... and th-that's when Angel found me..."

Her voice broke off, a canine-like whimper emitting from her throat. "I-I fear the worst for Nathan... I'm not even sure if he's okay." Kay let out a sigh. "I'm sorry I've been so cruel to you guys, I know you've been trying to help me. Tell the boys I'm sorry, okay?" She turned away from Tyra, gazing out the window at the forest.

Tyra gaped at her, not knowing what to say. How long had she been keeping this a secret?

She looked at the ground, feeling slightly guilty. "Hey, I'm not gonna apologize for you. You need to do it yourself. They'll understand if you tell them what's going on."

Kay faced her again, a look of pure misery on her face. "No one can understand," she said. "But... I guess I could tell them anyway..."

Tyra manged a small smile. "C'mon Kay, we can't have you being mopey like this. I know you're stressed, but I know you can handle it."

Kay regarded her with narrowed blue eyes, then brightened. "If you say so."

*[If this makes no sense to you, then your questions will be answered in the upcoming chaps.]*

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