Chapter 36

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"Hey Brice, did I mention how much I really hate you right now?"

"Yup~! You actually mentioned that quite a few times."

Kay let out a growl, wringing out an edge of her soaked jacket. "Of all things you could do, half-drowning me was your oh-so bright idea?"

"Mm-hmm~." Brice grinned and eyed the tiny dripping hybrid mischievously. He chuckled at her vicious glare. "Oh, come on. You gotta admit it was funny!"

The hybrid rolled her eyes and sulked in his palm, crossing her arms over her chest. "If I were my normal height, your face wouldn't be recognizable by now."

"Hiiiiighly doubt that."

"My tail won't be dry for days because of you!"

"What's left of it."

"I hope you hit your head on the door frame."

"That won't happe- ow!"


Seto opened his eyes against the yellow sunlight filtering through the window pane, blinking in the harsh light. He sat up in his bunk, rubbing the grogginess out of his eyes. How long was I asleep?

Wait a second... He looked back at the empty bunk, puzzled. "Tyra?"

"Over here."

The tiny girl was seated on a high shelf next to a stack of books, her legs dangling off the edge. She grinned at him and waved. Seto peered up at her and frowned. "You almost gave me a heart attack. Also, what are you doing up there? Do you not remember what happened last time?"

Tyra rolled her eyes. "Alright, Mother," she muttered. "I'm completely fine, see? No broken bones, or missing limbs, or even blood. Isn't that amazing?"

Seto's frown deepened. "Tyra, get down from there before you do hurt yourself again. Or do I have to get you myself?"

Tyra shifted her position until she hung upside-down off the shelf. "You can't reach me, shorty," she taunted. Amusement sparkled in her dark blue eyes and a sly smile crossed her face.

The sorcerer stood up and placed his palms on the desk, looking up at her in bewilderment. "How did you even get up there?"

"Magic," she said, grinning. "I wanted to know what it was like to be taller than you."

"Well, mission accomplished; I'm gonna go find a stool." Seto started rummaging under the desk, moving boxes of books out of the way.

"Here it is," he announced, pulling a chair out from under the desk.

"How did it get behind all that junk?" Tyra inquired.

Ignoring her question, Seto stepped onto the chair and hoisted himself up to the shelf's level, only to find she was gone. "How did-?"

"Over here, genius," Tyra chirped, standing on the shelf above.

"How'd you get up there so fast?" Seto looked up at her quizzically.

"Like I said, 'Magic.'" The shrunken girl shrugged, jumping onto the next shelf and balancing on the edge with her arms out. "It's so boring in here. I wish we could go outside."

She prepared to jump again, but Seto had had enough. "Okay, you're done." Tyra let out a squeak as she was suddenly scooped up by an enormous hand, securing her in a loose grip. "Hey! Lemme go!"

Seto cupped his hands around her and stepped down to the floor. He sat down in the chair with a sigh and brushed his bangs out of his eyes. "What am I going to do with you?" he murmured, trying (and failing) to keep a stern face.

Tyra crossed her arms, glaring at him. "Scold me like a child? Ground me? Honestly Seto, I'm not a kid."

Seto cocked an eyebrow. "Risking your life just because you're bored is a very childlike thing to do."

"I can't help it. This prison cell is deteriorating my sense of judgement," she stated, her glare fading to a frown. "And my sanity."

"Well, you can't exactly go outside," Seto reasoned. "It's about ten times more dangerous than being inside; cats, cannibalistic hybrids, and all."

"True, but you can't keep us in here forever," Tyra protested. "Do you even know how many years I went without sunlight underwater? Let me tell you, it is not fun."

"That's different." The sorcerer gestured to the brewing stand sitting by the closet door, the potion's contents bubbling softly and radiating the color of moonlight. "It's close to being done. All you have to do is wait a little longer, then you can go wherever you'd like. Okay?"

Tyra opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a loud knocking and a very loud, familiar voice. "Hey guys! Ya better not be making out in there, 'cause I found another one!"

Seto bit his lip, exchanging a shocked look with Tyra.


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