A Pair of Dapper Dans

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Reuben stepped out of the passenger side of the Chrysler Imperial and threw his smoking cigarette beside the curb of the sidewalk. He squashed it beneath one of his polished dress shoes while slamming shut the crimson car door and took a look around the neighborhood: All five-story mansions separated by acres of hills and trees.

“Nice place, don’t you think?” Joe popped up from outside the driver’s side while admiring the scenery as well. “I’d like a house of my own to look like one of these.”

“I’d like to burn ‘em all down,” Reuben muttered under his breath.

“Oh, please you can’t seriously still be upset about-” Joe started to walk around the side of the car.

“Stay here, Joe. You’re the get-away driver.” Reuben ordered strictly.

“What? How come you get to party but I don’t?”

Reuben ignored him with a slight shake of his head. He reached through the open window of the Chrysler and flipped a small black fedora onto his head. “Just listen for once.”

“That is unfair. Next kidnapping, I get to-”

“Keep your voice down!”

“You keep your voice down! You’re the one that’s yelling!”

“Shut up, already!”

“No, you!” He ducked into the car and slammed the door shut.

Reuben was dressed to impress; He walked along the sidewalk wearing a broad-shouldered black suit. Beneath his fedora, his hair was neatly combed and greased back. He was prim and proper with a clenched clean-shaven jaw and calculating murky green eyes. He was not excited for tonight nor prepared, but he strode along the iron black gate sidewalk anyway. He and Joe had parked several houses down which meant it was about a ten-minute walk to the party. They wanted this to be fast and easy and luckily, they would run out of the neighborhood without any eye-witnesses and be cities away before anyone noticed Alessandro’s son was missing.

Before Reuben could even knock on the door, he was greeted by a woman with curled shoulder-length hair and shining white teeth. “Hello! Come in! Welcome! I’m Mrs. Franceso, it’s so nice to meet you!” She offered her hand to shake.

Past her was what looked like a full house of people chatting and drinking civilly- all of them dressed in the same formal attire Reuben and the smiling lady wore.
“Alferd Britzch.” Reuben automatically snapped into a different character- someone smiley and just as charismatic as the lady in front of him. He took off his hat and shook her hand strongly. “Lovely party, just lovely. Where can I find Mr. Francesco?” He cut straight to the point before the lady could ask questions.

She led Reuben through the main area where everyone was chatting pleasantries and scoffing politely as wealthy people do. Finally, she offered Reuben a seat at the bar so he waited there for Mr. Francesco.



"Ambrose! Come out of that room, right now!" Mr. Francesco was rapping furiously on Ambrose's door.
"I'm still getting ready, dad!" Ambrose was combing his strawberry blonde hair back, obsessed with making it look perfect. He was wearing the same kind of suit as most of the other men at the party though his was obviously more expensive. His baby blue eyes didn't ever glance toward the door, focused on his appearance in the mirror.
"You should have been ready hours ago. I have many people to introduce you to." He sighed in frustration and rubbed his bald forehead. "And there are girls here, please be interested in them."
Ambrose decided not to say "yuck" like he had wanted to and instead just finished up getting ready and walked over to the door of his room. He opened it and smiled professionally at his father. "Do I look okay?"
His father looked him up and down. "Fine, now come with me." He turned around and led him to the stairs.

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