I'm Not Spooning You, I'm Detaining You

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Reuben checked themselves into a fancy hotel- to appease Ambrose. “This is much better, right?” He asked him as they walked into the lobby. Joe was carrying their suitcases which had fattened in size thanks to Ambrose’s new wardrobe. The hotel was large and luxurious with chandeliers twinkling above them and even a live orchestra playing at the corner of the lobby room.
Ambrose was looking around, his previous anger and attitude quelled. He seemed much more appeased now that they were somewhere he was somewhat familiar with.
“Enjoy your stay!” The lady at the counter wished them after giving them their room keys. "That our best suite, in my opinion."

"Suite?" Reuben gave Joe a puzzled look.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be nice." Joe smirked and walked a little faster so he could pull ahead of them.

"Joe." Reuben growled, knowing what he had in mind. He grabbed Ambrose by the elbow and ran after Joe into the elevator. "Not tonight."

"What are you talking about?" He snickered.

Reuben's tone was dangerous, "You're pushing it."
Ambrose didn't know what they were talking about so he looked back and forth between them curiously.
Joe pouted like a baby and gave Reuben puppy eyes. The doors closed and the elevator dinged. "Please?"

"You're not inviting prostitutes into our suite while we're on a mission!" Reuben had waited for their solitary elevator to move before shouting at him.

"But I already placed the order!" He begged Reuben. "I know you're worked up! You need a stress reliever!"

"And who'll be watching Ambrose, did you think of that?" Reuben was glaring.

"I thought we could...share with him, I guess?"

"You're disgusting."
Ambrose deadpanned while they bickered. "Do what you want. I'm going to take a long shower when we get up there."
Joe tried to persuade Reuben. "Come on, we'll tie up Ambrose and leave him in another room if you're worried he'll escape."

"No." Reuben told him strictly.
Ambrose glared at Joe but didn't say anything since he knew he would just be ignored again.
"How come you're never interested in these kinds of things?" Joe followed Reuben out of the elevator and pestered him.

Reuben didn't answer him. Just grabbed Ambrose's wrist again and pulled him down the hall to their bedroom suite.
Ambrose huffed at the way he was being treated but didn't mention it because nothing would change anyway.
Reuben twisted the key in the lock and shoved open the door to their enormous suite. "Oh my god, Joe." Reuben facepalmed when he saw the candles and love seat.


Reuben turned on him, "Even worse, a love suite?!"

Joe shrugged. "I thought you would like this!" He closed the door behind them, knowing Reuben was going to yell at him.

"What makes you think I would like this?"

"Because its girls! And its sex! And its booze!"

"So you're going to be drunk, too? You're leaving me to babysit Ambrose while you have fun!"

"No, this is for us to have fun!"

"I have to watch Ambrose!"

"No, you don't!"

Reuben glared at him silently.

Joe tried to convince him while twisting a finger nervously. "We could tie him up and leave him in the bathroom, you know…"

"No." Reuben growled. "Tell your girls to go home." Reuben whirled away from him and avoided looking at Ambrose as he brushed past him, embarrassed. He slammed the door to the bathroom.

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