Ignore The Funny Looking Stains

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Reuben awoke first. He was pleased to see Ambrose was still nestled in his arms. He pecked Ambrose’s head before checking to see if Joe was asleep- which he was. It was 7:00 in the morning but the big lug was still snoring away even though now was the time they should really be getting a move on. That was just fine with Reuben. He wanted to enjoy every moment with Ambrose. He turned Ambrose’s head and pecked his lips with a kiss. “Wake up, buttercup.”
"Mn." Ambrose turned his head and squished his face into Reuben's chest, still asleep.
Reuben held back a squeal of happiness. He pecked over Ambrose's head and then instinctively pressed his crotch into Ambrose's.
Ambrose whined again and wiggled in his hold.
Reuben groaned and tucked Ambrose's head beneath his chin. He wrapped his legs around Ambrose's and slowly rocked, hoping he wouldn't wake.
Ambrose whimpered and sucked in a shaky breath, his body not used to such intimate touches. His fists balled against his chest and he curled in closer to Reuben.
Reuben kissed over Ambrose's head again and continued to slowly grind against him, growing frustratingly harder.
Ambrose began to breathe more heavily against Reuben's chest until he let out a soft moan.
Reuben froze to wind his head backward, checking if Joe was asleep. He heard a slow snore from him so Reuben returned his attention to Ambrose and snuck a hand to their lower regions. He felt guilty about touching Ambrose without his permission so instead of intentionally touching him, he "accidentally" grazed him with a finger.
Ambrose twitched with another sharp intake of air, his breath hitching. He had unknowingly become aroused while still asleep and stayed unaware of what was going on.
Reuben smiled and then rolled Ambrose onto his back. He snuck beneath the covers and crawled down Ambrose until he was face to face with his boxers. Reuben swiped them down and then grabbed a firm hold of Ambrose's length.
Ambrose gasped out an airy moan and his hips bucked up instinctively.
Reuben sucked Ambrose's tip into his mouth, lapping over his top.
Ambrose tilted his head back with a loud moan, miraculously still sleeping.
Joe's snoring abruptly cut off into a snort.

Reuben didn't realize Joe was waking up, too busy engulfing Ambrose's length in his mouth from beneath the covers.
Ambrose had begun panting not long before that and he slowly woke up, confused and out of breath.
Reuben didn't know whether Ambrose was asleep or awake and he didn't care at this point. He caressed Ambrose's genitals and deepthroated him with ease.
Ambrose's eyes shot open and his back arched, a cry ripping from his lips.
Joe rolled over and sat up quickly, rubbing his eyes from sleep. "Ambrose?"

Reuben froze all movement. He cursed himself in his head for taking things too far with Joe right beside them. He had overestimated Joe's  deaf sleep.
Ambrose scrambled to sit up, not know what was going on or why he felt so weird.
Joe noticed the empty space beside him. "Where's Reuben?"

Reuven didn't dare raise his head from Ambrose's length for fear of Joe spotting his head through the blanket. So instead he sank farther down.
Ambrose jolted and put his hands on Reuben's head without knowing it was Reuben's head.
"Ambrose?" Joe cocked his head. "Where's Reuben?" He repeated.

Reuben couldn't help finding this situation the slightest bit amusing. He took advantage of it by nearly choking on Ambrose's length and stroking his balls with a thumb.
Ambrose panted vocally, sounding like he was being sucked off. Lol.
"Have a nightmare, buddy?" Joe was trying to figure him out, unaware of what was really happening of course.

He stood up from the bed. "Im gonna check the bathroom. Reuben!"

Reuben listened to Joe walk past the bed and then duck his head into the bathroom. Once he was sure Joe wasn't looking, Reuben rolled out from beneath the covers and dropped to the floor. "Im right here, Joe."

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