A Literal Backstabber

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Reuben and Ambrose spent the next week packing for their trip and bidding their goodbyes to loved ones. It was the fifth of September when they were finally ready to take off for the road. Reuben was on the phone with Joe when he was patted on the shoulder by Alessandro.

"I've already worked things out with Calvin. He's expecting us. We'll stop by, don't worry- Yes?" Reuben turned around for his father in law.

"I want to talk to you for a moment." The old man was looking grave and gaunt, just the way he always did before hollering at Reuben for something.

Reuben gave him a look before bidding his farewell to Joe over the phone, and then he hung it up.

Alessandro led Reuben into the parlor room, where they sat down across each other in a couple of floral armchairs.

Alessandro leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees as he scratched beneath his grey tweed hat.

Reuben folded his arms and sat back, bracing himself for an unleash of fury.

"I'm not the best at apologizing…"

That made Reuben flinch harder than any vocal assault.

"But Laura insisted…" he grumbled.

"You're apologizing?" Reuben looked appalled.

"Shut it, or I'll take it back!" He snapped, and his sharp blue eyes reminded Reuben of Ambrose's sassy flare.

Reuben lifted his hands in a signal of defense and leaned back in the chair. "Ok then, by all means, apologize away." He crossed his ankles on top of the black leather ottoman.

Alessandro growled like a rabid dog and then coughed up a lousy apology, "I realized how calloused I've behaved lately….I know you're only looking out for Ambrose...you truly care about him and you want a family with him, which I don't understand, but...anyway, you have my...blessing...or…."

When allessandro raised his head again, he met Reuben's wide smile. "Well….thanks, pop." He offered his hand. "You're not so bad, yourself."

Alessandro accepted his handshake, gripping his hand like a vice, and delivering a good firm thrash. "Don't call me pop."
Ambrose peeked his head in and smiled when he saw his father and Reuben getting along. "Hey, Reuben, I think everything's packed." He closed his eyes happily.
Reuben stood up from the chair and brushed his tailored grey suit. "Alright then, this is goodbye, Mr. Frances-"

Reuben's words were muffled from in the chest of the giant man as he lumbered over him. He grabbed Reuben in a tight hug, glaring at the floor beneath them. "You better not let anything happen to him, you hear?" He threatened in his ear.

"Yes sir." Reuben promised him without a second thought.
Ambrose hummed, thinking it was just a normal hug. "I'm really glad you guys are getting along now!" He smiled innocently.
Reuben and Alessandro broke away from their bro hug as quickly as possible. "Mhm, yep." Reuben took Ambrose's hand and then he and Ambrose waved farewell to Mrs and Mr Francesco before driving off forever. (Except holiday visits because Ambrose insists).


"And we'll have a seven layered wedding cake." Reuben and Ambrose were sitting on the porch of Reuben's foster home sharing an ice cream cone. Joe and Angel were sitting beside them sharing their own. They had spent the entire day traveling there and by the time they had made it for dinner, the sun was setting. Now the sky was twilight and there were rain clouds settling over, casting a gloomy shadow, so the night was even darker despite the full moon. Reuben was just finishing up his wedding plan. "What song should we play for our special dance?"
"Woah, woah, woah. Seven layer cake? That will be too tall to cut!" Ambrose was hung up on that.
"No, sweetie. They have them all the time." Reuben kissed the tip of his nose and then lifted the strawberry ice cream cone to his lips.

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