Its Just Murder, No Big Deal

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Thirty minutes later, Reuben parked the crosley outside their luxury hotel. He hadn't spoken a word to Ambrose for the entire drive there because he was too deep in his rabbit hole of depression. After shutting off the engine and resting in their new car for a second, he took a moment to check on Ambrose for the hundredth time 


After a while of crying, Ambrose had stopped and devolved into just a trembling ball too scared to even look at Reuben.


"Are you going to stay put?" He asked Ambrose through his hands as he rubbed up and down his face in exhaustion.


Ambrose just pushed himself further against the car door.


Reuben stepped out of the car and chose to leave him locked in, knowing he wouldn't be able to escape. Reuben fast-walked through the dimly lit hotel and sped through the halls toward their room. Once inside, he threw the covers off of Joe.


Ambrose didn't even attempt to leave, he only tightened his little ball and buried his face farther into his knees.


"You what?!" Joe leapt out of bed with crazy hair and widened eyes. He could scarcely believe what he was hearing. "You went to see a movie without me?!

"Ssh!" Reuben glared, "Shut up, you're gonna get us caught!" He whispered. After that entire story about the police chase and everything (well not everything), the movie detail stuck out the most to Joe.

"I can't believe this! I thought I was your best friend! What makes Ambrose so special?" Joe was growling in offense as he dressed himself quickly. "And it is so unlike you to attract attention to yourself. We've never run into the police!" 

"Keep your voice down and they'll be here before you can even pull your pants up!" Reuben was snappier than usual, angry with himself for upsetting Ambrose. He couldn't get the image out of his head: His buttercup crying in fear of him.


Ambrose waited for them in silence, the only noise he was making was small sniffles every once in a while.


Joe and Reuben ran to the crosley with suitcases in each hand. Joe ran past it and Reuben had to grab the back of his shirt to stop him, but that only pulled him forward. 


"Remember how I said I ditched the imperial?" 

Joe gasped, "You never said that!" 

" we have this." He opened the driver's side door to the crosley. 

Joe gawked. "No…" he refused to believe the heap of junk before him was their new car.

"Shut up and get in back. I'm driving." 

Joe didn't recover from his shock until after he threw their suitcases in back. "How could you have ditched the imperial? My baby!!!" 

Reuben sat down and slammed the door shut, wasting no time in starting the car.

"Where's Ambrose?" Joe asked, he has to hunch over to fit in the back. 


Ambrose didn't answer, still cowering away from Reuben like he was a monster.


"He's up front." Reuben gripped the steering wheel, staring ahead of them as if he were focused on the road, even though they hadn't left their parking space. 

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