(DxC) Pummel

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Nothing but the smell of sweat on steel and the blood on the mat could put David in a fighting frenzy like it did back in his day. Sometimes when he closed his eyes he could still hear the roar of the crowd on top of the groaning from whatever poor soul he'd just sucker-punched in the gut.

He remembered the maniacal tinny ring of a crisp bell signaling the start of each round. David tossed his weight from foot to foot and taunted his opponent with a jab of his blood-stained boxing mitts. His opponent staggered, another African-american young man such as himself; scrawny but agile. David was impressed he still has pep in his step after he'd nearly slugged him to death in the last round.

David was a little scrappier in his youth but he had always been a hulking giant compared to everyone else. His biceps gleamed with sweat in the phosphorescent lights of the underground rig. They were shapely and bulging. His shoulders were not as wide-set but they still sat sturdy on top of his barrel-chest. His brick and mortar abdomen rippled as he inhaled and exhaled with the impetus of a chugging train. What was most shocking: he had a full head of hair. His fuzzy locks fell over his forehead and hung in his eyes but his sides were shaved clean. His chin was still just as stubbly as it always was. It was evident his face did not shave as easily as his head did.

David wished Calvin and he had met while David was still a young fighter. He left the ring a changed man- spiritually and physically. His face, of course, took on many beatings since it was a main target in the sport so his strong nose was crooked and he was missing a few teeth (a few in the back and none in noticeable places thank God) and of course, his left ear had suffered dearly in a specific match.

The metal clang of a gong rang through the stadium, but the crowd's cheering rang even louder. David beat his fists on his chest. His opponent accepted the challenge with a hasty swing. David took a dodgy step to the left and merely slammed into the man's side. His body weight alone was enough to knock the man to the ground. David stood over the heaving man with a smug grimace on his face, he too panted just as heavily as he seethed with adrenaline.


The enraged shout of his manager caught his attention and he whisked his head in his direction. The fat and short bald man with a spongy white box-shaped beard shook the bonds of the ring in his grubby hands. "Finish him off!"

David returned his attention to the man on the ground who appeared to be crawling to his feet. David raised his fists and as he slammed them downward, he heard his manager call his name again, "DAVID!" Just as David's fists rained down on his opponent's head, he heard Calvin's light and airy laugh in his right ear- muffled in his other.

"David! Stop that!" Calvin wriggled in David's arms from against his chest. He pushed and kicked in refute against his barrage of tickling.

David blinked his memories away and tightened his grip around Calvin with a relieved smile. He snuggled beneath the covers with his lovely Calvin and drew the covers up and over themselves again with a content hum.

"David, no…" Calvin turned around in his arms and pushed away from his chest again. "We have to get up. You have corn to harvest."

David groaned and reigned Calvin against his chest again.


"Don't care."

Calvin groaned from underneath David but he let it go. Then he mumbled, and David understood the gist of what Calvin said. Something like: "You're lucky you're ahead of schedule…"

They laid together in bed until the sun's rays flowed through the windows, brightening the room. David didn't sleep a wink. He was afraid if he closed his eyes, he would be back in that terrible ring. After debating whether or not he snuggle with Calvin some more, David finally rose from bed, deciding work needed to be done. As he stepped out of bed, the mattress squeaked and inflated with relief- kinda like a stress ball does- when David's weight lifted. Calvin was used to the sound and movement of their shifting bed so he remained asleep beneath their covers.

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