Blood, Sex, and Guns; a fitting end

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Lunch was waiting on the table by the time Reuben and Ambrose arrived home. He'd made a dozen sandwiches with two sides of pigs in blankets and potato salad. 

Reuben opened the door and walked in with Ambrose. He helped carry shopping bags. They entered through the main hall and turned a sharp left for the stairs. As they passed the living room, Reuben said hello to Calvin and David, who were in the middle of their "spa time." 

David was laying with his stomach to the couch, arms folded and head resting in his arms as Calvin massaged his aching back muscles. There were two slices of cucumbers resting on his eyelids and he had a pee-green slime spread over his face. But what was most shocking to see was the content smile on his face as Calvin helped to relieve his stress. 


Ambrose giggled quietly but continued on to their room with his shopping bags. "Do you want me to try some of these on for you?" He asked Reuben as they went up the stairs.


"I'd love that." Reuben was a little shellshocked at how many clothes Ambrose spent money on but he tried not to show it. He hung up his fedora and jacket then took a seat on the edge of the bed. All of Ambrose's clothes bags were lined against his dresser.


"What do you want me to try first? A skirt, dress…?" Ambrose looked to ReUben.


"I don't know, sweetheart. How many outfits did you buy?" Reuben shrugged.


“Calvin and the girls picked out a lot of stuff…” Ambrose laughed sheepishly.


"Show me your favorite." Reuben folded his arms with a permanent smile.


“Okay.” Ambrose dug through the bags for a moment before he pulled out a high waisted black skirt and a nice red sweater to go with it.


Reuben leaned back on his hands as he watched Ambrose dress in front of him. "So I'm part-time salesman, part-time construction worker."


Ambrose was pulling off his normal clothes. "Oh, really? What exactly is your job?"


"I'm selling vacuums for an under company called...Suck it? I can't remember. And then the head of construction for the town caught wind of me and they’re like, super desperate for workers. I start orientation tomorrow.” 


“So you have two jobs? Are you sure you won’t be overworked or something?” Ambrose pulled his skirt on with a worried expression.


“I’ll be okay, love. You, though. I’m not sure about.” 


“What do you mean?” Ambrose pulled his sweater on and tilted his head in confusion.


“What are you going to do?” Reuben creased his brow. “Are you going to stay here or are you going to get a job too?” 


“What do you want me to do?” Ambrose blinked at him.


Reuben sighed. “Baby, it’s not what I want you to- you look heavenly in that by the way- It’s what you want to do.” 


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