Calvin The Canadian

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Reuben slept on the couch while Ambrose made a call for a taxi. Cocksman and Rosa were still upstairs talking. Ambrose was using the kitchen landline. 


Ambrose was quietly calling the operator. "Um, yes… can you connect me to a taxi service?"


The operator clicked a few buttons and the line clicked. A few seconds later, a gruff and tired voice picked up the phone, "Hazelwood Taxis, how may I help you?" 


"May I have a taxi sent to 123 Seaside Drive, please?" Ambrose checked the address on the front of the house.


"Sure thing...oh, one moment." Ambrose was put on hold for a minute or two before the line clicked again. "We can do 7:00 am at earliest." 


"Ah… that's okay. Thank you." Ambrose was hesitant to accept but he did anyway.


"You can expect us then." The line ended Aabruptly.


Ambrose nodded to himself and put the phone down, heading back to Reuben.


Reuben looked passed out. One hand flopped over his chest and the other arm was hanging from off the couch. His greasy hair was a ruffled mess and his clothes were wrinkled. 


Ambrose shook his head with a loving smile and he sat down beside Reuben, running a hand through his knotty hair.


"He's out for the count." Dr. Cocksman was leaning against the back of the couch on his folded arms. 


Ambrose jumped a little but then he relaxed. "Yeah…" He stared down at Reuben's sleeping face.


The doctor let the silence stretch and then took a seat beside Ambrose. "This is your last chance, buttercup." He slithered an arm around his shoulders and whispered in his ear.


"No." Ambrose said it firmly this time. He moved away from Cocksman. "I'm not changing my mind."


Cocksman's welcoming smile vanished, and his likable face darkened into a menacing glare. "I don't like that answer."


"And?" Ambrose challenged angrily. "I want you to leave me alone!"


Dr. Cocksman stood from the couch and took an intimidating step toward Ambrose. He hovered over him as he raised an arm and peeled his sleeve up his arm, revealing an inky tattoo in the shape of a shadowed chicken. Lol chicken. "Do you recognize this?" 


Ambrose blinked and he looked at it before shaking his head in confusion. "Should I?"


Cocksman sighed and then yanked Ambrose to his feet by his wrist. "That's unfortunate because it's the reason you're going to lose your sweet Reuben." He whispered darkly.


"Wh-What?" Ambrose's eyes widened and he tried yanking his arm back. "N-No!"


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