We're Not Rapists

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Joe drove through the hours of the night and he only stopped when they were out of gas. "Poor old gal is hungry." He parked the car beside one of the pumps beneath a gas station. As the jockey filled the Chrysler and changed her oil, Joe rolled up the window beside him so his conversation with Reuben wouldn't be overheard. "Can't sleep?" He knew his partner well.

Reuben was turned on his other side, fedora on the dash next to his pair of dress shoes. He had draped his suit jacket over the back of the front seat and used it as a pillow to lay his head on. "How could you tell?" He had been staring out the window all night, watching the city pass them by.

"You never sleep, Reub. I've never seen you with your eyes closed." He exaggerated.

One night there was a fire on a higher floor of their apartment and Joe shook Reuben awake. He hoped he would never have to do that again because Reuben sent a punch straight up his nose.

Reuben told him what was on his mind instead of pretending he wasn't tired. "The kid is on my mind."

Joe folded his arms behind his head and leaned back in his seat. "You'll never get over that, will you?"

"He might not either…"

Joe scoffed and looked at the back of Reuben's head in disbelief. "Don't tell me you're feeling sorry! I would have expected you to revel in your revenge!"

"This isn't revenge. He didn't do anything to deserve this." Reuben's eyelids fell closed and as soon as they did, he saw Ambrose's icy glare.

"Aye-yay-aye." Joe groaned and rubbed a hand up his forehead, pushing back his unruly bronze curls. "If anyone else knew about how much of a pussy you are, they wouldn't believe me."

"I know exactly how he's feeling right now."

"Forget about it. Learn to let things go. You know this is exactly why King assigned this job for you, right? He suspects your decline. You're going soft-"

That seemed to snap Reuben out of his fix. He shuffled in his seat suddenly, causing Joe to flinch.

"We'll check in at the next motel." His weary voice left no room for argument. He always made the decisions in their duo.

Joe drove off without paying for the gas. They found a motel on the outskirts of the city up ahead. They were somewhere in pennsylvania in one of those hodge-podge towns with a mix of a variety of people from hippies to war veterans. They were driving along a stretch of gravel road sandwhiched between cornfields. They were headed for the small town up ahead.

"Wait, stop here." Reuben ordered Joe before they passed the welcome sign.

Joe pulled to the side of the road and looked at Reuben questionably. "What?"

Reuben didnt answer him. Instead, he stepped out of the vehicle and walked around the side. Joe followed him out.

"What are you doing?" He groaned, knowing exactly what Reuben was doing but he didnt stop him from popping the trunk.
Ambrose was lying curled up in a ball since there wasn't much space. He had his eyes closed and was asleep, having decided there was no use in staying awake anyway.
Reuben's arms dove in and lifted the sleeping Ambrose out of the car. Joe slammed the trunk down and then Reuben set the boy on his feet so Ambrose could lean against the back of the car.

"Rise and shine." Reuben muttered as he faced Ambrose, standing directly in front of him with hands on either side of him pressed into the car's tail.
Ambrose's eyes blinked open sleepily and then snapped into a glare, scowling around the gag tied around his head.
"Lose the attitude. I'm freeing you." He slowly undid the ropes that bound Ambrose's hands together.
Ambrose immediately used his now free hands to shove and push at Rueben's chest futilely.
Reuben stared down at him in confusion and Joe uproared in a laugh.

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