Reuben The Pussy

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Ambrose jerked forward with a yelp as their car was hit from the backend. He had enough time to look back and see the car Reuben stole before his own vehicle suddenly flew off the side of the road into a ditch. Ambrose was flung around in the car as it tumbled and crashed to a stop, upside down. He slumped down on the roof of the car with a moan of pain.
A gargled scream from the front of the studebaker ran clear through the night across the lonely gravel road. The two men in the front had flown through the windows, one caught bleeding on the hood of the car and the other a twisted corpse in the glass shard-speckled grass ahead.

The crosley's front was smashed in and Reuben drove it off the side of the road even though he could hardly see through the spiderweb cracked shield window.

Joe screamed frightened curses and rolled out of the car just as Reuben crashed the crosley into a green hedge.
Ambrose was too dazed to hear anything going on outside of the car. He tried to put a hand to his head, where he could feel hot blood running down his temple, but a sharp pain made him stop. He looked at his arm and then blanched, turning his head away from the dislocated limb.
Joe streaked toward the crashed vehicle in nothing but his underwear. "Ambrose!" He ducked his head through the broken window to check on him. "Are you okay?"
Ambrose was laying on his back, numerous cuts and bruises forming all over his body. He had blood running down the side of his face and his shoulder  dislocated.
"God!" Joe reached in. "Grab onto me, I'll help you out."

Reuben was there in that second. He was bleeding from his forehead and he still wasn't wearing a shirt. "No, Joe! You go check on the Francesco henchmen. I'll take care of Ambrose." He lifted the door handle and pulled the crumpled door open with a heave, sliding the door through the mud just enough for Ambrose to slip out.

Joe leaned back but didn't leave, worried about Ambrose.
Ambrose still hadn't been able to understand what they were saying. He was unable to feel either of his legs too.
Reuben just about cried when he saw how much he'd hurt Ambrose. "I've got you, buttercup." He scooped him up in his arms and sat down with him in the grass. "His shoulder is dislocated." Reuben felt him up and down for more injuries.
Ambrose didn't have any other injuries that were too serious but he was sure to be aching for at least a few weeks. He didn't respond to them still, just staring ahead in confusion, his mind a mess.
"God, Ambrose. I'm so sorry." Reuben kissed his bloody face, eyes tearing up.

"I can fix it!" Joe kneeled beside Ambrose and Reuben. Once, Reuben had dislocated his shoulder when he and the boys had played football outside King's house and when medical arrived, Joe had been taught how to pop a shoulder back into place.

"Ok, I'll hold him like this and you shove it back in when I count to three." Reuben rotated Ambrose around, speaking in a hurry. Rested the boy's back against his chest and held him around his waist while Joe gently grabbed ahold of Ambrose's limp and mangled arm.
Ambrose winced and jerked when his arm was grabbed but was still too disorientated to know what was going on.
"Ssh, it's okay buttercup, it'll only hurt for a second." Reuben whispered in his ear and he leaned Ambrose's head onto his shoulder.

"Okay, are you ready?" Joe held Ambrose's arm steady. He had one hand beneath his arm and the other tightly gripped Ambrose's wrist.

Reuben counted to three and Joe shoved the joint back into place with as much force as he could possibly push into the movement.
Ambrose practically screamed and cried, tears dripping down his cheeks when his eyes squeezed shut. The pain snapped him out of his haze a bit and he struggled against Reuben.
"Ssh!" Reuben instinctively squeezed Ambrose in a hug. "You're okay, you're okay." He repeated over and over because he didn't know what else to say to calm him down.

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