Chapter 3: I just DID.

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"...What....?" Vinny gasped in shock.

"I'm just as surprised as you are... I knew Vinnae had it out for me..but I didn't think they'd say they're going to kill me.!"

"I'm going to talk to them. Stay by the door, just to be safe." Vinny sighed, sprinting to Vinnae with an irate look on their face.

Vinny approached Vinnae angrily, with a stern look on their face. They mustn't show fear. It doesn't look so good to me, friends. I think it's about to get heated...



"What the hell is your problem?" Vinny shouted.


"You know what I'm talking about."

"Clearly I don't."

"You told Charlie you're going to kill him?"

"Excuse me?"



Everyone turned to the furious twins, stunned to speak. Gee, I think I'm with them.. I don't know what to say either.. Vinny has never disbelieved Vinnae.

"The other room. Now." Vinny  directed Vinnae to a bedroom, where they saw a couple kissing on the bed. Vinny's jaw dropped.

"...Get out-." Vinny mumbled. The couple ran out in a hurry.  Poor Vinny, never used to a teen party, ey?

The twins stumbled inside and sat on the bed. The question is: Who will speak first?

"What the fuck are you talking about, Vinny." Vinnae scoffed. Oh. Vinnae spoke first.

"I'm talking about you threatening Charlie. AND scaring him by telling him about mom?"

"Well, first of all. As much as I want to kill him, I know you love him. So I won't. I never said I was going to kill him, and I never brought up our mom!"

"That's not what he told me."

"Well, he's lying to you."

"What did you say to him then? I mean c'mon Vin! The only thing I ask of you is to get along with him!"

"I told him to tell you I won't ever talk to him again if I don't have to be his friend! That's it!"

"And you still won't come clean."

"I just DID." Vinnae slammed their drink on the nightstand in fury. They watched the liquid substance spill everywhere. They watched the glass shatter into a million pieces, just like their trust for Vinny.  The jagged shards cut deeply into their palm. "GAH! STUPID GLASS."  

They stared at their wounded hand, now gushing blood all over the wooden nightstand. Tears ran down their cheek as they protested to even face their brother. The dark, deep red liquid, the same color as their dress dripped onto the glass shards, filling the remaining bit of the cup. Vinny sat paralyzed watching their sister break down like before. Only this time, they didn't feel any sympathy. 

"I don't even know you anymore. Charlie's changed you.. And you're so blind, you don't even see it." Vinnae cried. They stood up and stared at Vinny. And without a thought, they flipped Vinny off before slamming the door shut. Jeez! They didn't have to go that far! 

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