Chapter 19: An Emotional Rollercoaster

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     Friends! Welcome back, it's been a minute! Don't worry, you didn't miss much. Charlie and Austin are still butting heads... Vinny is still dumb as day about the situation...wait, don't tell them I said that! Anyways, if you forgot, Austin was about to be voted off because of a note falling from the sky telling the rest of the group that he knows too much! But alas, he wasn't. So what did he do? He ran back upstairs to Charlotte, where Charlie, Lukey, Elizabeth, and Vinnae found them! Then Charlie punched Vinnae! Crazy, right? Anyway, then Elizabeth told Charlie off and threatened to fire him if he didn't go back downstairs! I love how Elizabeth is such a whoop-ass. But I digress, then Charlie tried to convince Vinny that he didn't punch Vinnae! Luckily, Lizzy was there to back Vinnae up! I think you're all caught up now...So on with the story!

     Lukey paced silently to Elizabeth and pat her on the shoulder to get her attention. I honestly forgot Lukey existed! Whoops... "Hey, Lizzy? Do you have a minute?" Lukey sniffled and bit their lip.

     "Can it wait a minute?" Lizzy mumbled.


     "Okay...let's go," Elizabeth turned around and swiftly urged them out of the main room, hoping nobody notices their absence. Vinnae watched them leave, they knew the others would catch on if they didn't do anything!

     "Can you just stop?" Vinnae yelled, clearly annoyed.

     "Stay out of this, it's not about you!" Charlie shot back.

     "Yes, it is. This whole argument is about you punching me in the face!"

     "Oh, please. You've been punched way too many times before to be making a big deal out of it," Vinny rolled their eyes and scoffed.

     "Excuse me?"

     "You heard me."

     "You don't get to justify your fiancé punching me over MY trauma!"

     "I'm getting real tired of your bullshit. You clearly aren't hurt that badly. Just let it go!"

     "Let it go?? Excuse me?? Do you have ANY idea how much I've been suffering all these years? AT ALL?" Vinnae's lips quivered. They hesitated to continue, to leak all their raw emotions about their father and mother to everyone in the room. Yet, they knew they had to so they could keep Lizzy out of suspicion. "The burning pain of our father still scorches my skin. It STINGS! Like a thousand knives. You don't understand. You never understood what my point of view was, our experiences were different! You may be able to heal from watching your little twin sister get raped, physically and mentally abused for 16 years... BUT I CAN'T! I can't heal from that. The scars are still there. The scars of self-harm...the invisible scars of where he touched me...where he shot me...where mom smacked me. You'll never understand what it's like to go to bed hungry and to sleep on the hardwood floor with only a thin, worn-out blanket from the attic for warmth! You'll never understand what it's like to get your first bed at 14 years old. You had it all. You had all of mom's love. You never shared," Vinnae sniffled and wiped their damp eyes. "Goddammit... I HATE YOU! I LIVED FOR YOU! I SUFFERED FOR YOU! AND YOU DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!" Charlie stared at Vinnae, he started to back away, to exclude himself. "No, no you don't get to walk away. You wanted to start an argument? Well here's your argument," Vinnae attempted to contain themself, they didn't want the pity. At this point, I don't even think this is for Elizabeth. I think this is what Vinnae feels...what they really want to say. "I DIDN'T KILL MYSELF BECAUSE YOU SAID YOU NEEDED ME FOR COMFORT! AND I WAS SO STUPID, I BELIEVED YOU! I BELIEVED THAT YOU ACTUALLY WANTED ME AROUND. I WAS YOUR ROCK THROUGH OUR CHILDHOOD. I WAS SUPPORTING YOU AS IF IT WAS MY FAULT OUR PARENTS ABUSED ME IN FRONT OF YOU! YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I PROTECT YOU ANYMORE!! YOU NEVER TOLD DAD TO 'Get off!' OR 'Stop touching them, that's not okay!' YOU JUST WATCHED AND MADE ME COMFORT YOU AFTERWARDS. YOU JUST WANTED ME THERE SO YOU WOULDN'T FEEL GUILTY IF I KILLED MYSELF! YOU MOVED OUT WHEN MOM KICKED ME OUT BECAUSE YOU'D FEEL GUILTY IF I DIED ON THE STREETS!" Vinnae exhaled, they hyperventilated and glared into Vinny's glistening emerald green eyes that were filled with tears of woe.

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