Chapter 20: Red Stain (WOOHOOOO I'M BACK!!!)

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     "I should go...--we should go -" Vinny turned around, walking back to the main room, without looking behind them for Lukey's presence. They leaned against the wall next to the doorframe by the room and peeked inside to see if it's the right time to enter.

     "Could you all just shut up?!" Elizabeth shouted. "Charlie, you're not innocent. You're not a good person. I say we vote Charlie in the morning. It's the logical answer!"

     Vinny tiptoed back into the room, unnoticed, Lukey behind them. Their lips quivered, watching Lukey fold their arms and hold their head low.

     "I suggest we think about this overnight. Who knows? Maybe nobody will die, and we'll get a break!" Austin jotted down more notes into his journal. "Charlie, you did commit an act of physical assault. You should be arrested, but instead, you're a huge suspect. I'm keeping my eye on you tonight."

     Charlie groaned and rolled his eyes. "Hey, new girl, why're you so quiet? Don't you have anything to say? Or are your lips sealed unless fashion is on the topic?"

     "Well, I wasn't there for the incident, so I don't have any input. However, I believe Austin. He looks like he knows what he's doing," Jamila smiled sweetly.


     "Oh my god!!!" Elizabeth squealed and sprinted. She didn't know where she was going, but her legs told her to run. Her mind told her it wasn't safe in the place she was in.

     The room wasn't silent. I wish I could say it was, since that'd make it way easier to narrate. I can't even tell who's saying what! Endless screaming, panting, crying, panicking, oh the panicking. Although, one scream was different than the others. It was a shriek of pain. Sharp, ugly pain. That one scream silenced the room, like nails on a chalkboard.


     A sharp gasp filled the still air, along with frightened cries. There, on top of the uneaten birthday cake, lie Austin's head. His body, leaking blood, soaking the rug below it, lie in front of Charlie's feet.

     "I think I'm gonna be sick...!" Jamila covered her mouth and ran from the scene.

     A tear fell from Vinnae's cheek. They gasped for air, directing the groups' concern in their direction. Elizabeth was first to react, running to them, reminding them to take deep breaths and patting their back.

     "This has gone far enough!" Vinny stomped. They sprinted over to the couch, shoving Elizabeth out of the way. So hard, she fell over, squealing. They grabbed Vinnae by the straps of their dress and pulled them at eye level. "VINNAE LIBA VILOCA YOU ADMIT YOU DID IT RIGHT NOW. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO ADMIT YOU DID THE WRONG THING? YOU'RE HORRIBLE! YOU'VE TAKEN SO MANY LIVES! THEY DESERVED TO LIVE AND YOU TOOK AWAY THAT CHANCE!" The straps on Vinnae's deep red dress began to stress, the thread began to break as Vinny violently shook them, wanting answers to questions they couldn't answer even if they wanted to. "IT'S NOT FAIR! STOP FORCING POOR ELIZABETH TO BELIEVE YOU! SHE'S BETTER THAN YOU AND WILL ALWAYS DESERVE BETTER. STOP LYING! JUST STOP...," the straps snapped suddenly, and Vinnae began to fall back into the chair, but Vinny grabbed them back by their hair and  continued furiously screaming.

     Elizabeth, though injured, shot back up and shoved Vinny back away, Vinnae yelped, a clump of hair ripped off of their scalp, and remained in Vinny's angry fists. "YOU'RE A MONSTER! YOU'RE ALL MONSTERS FOR NOT DOING ANYTHING! CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT THEY WERE DOING? CAN'T YOU SEE HOW THAT'S NOT OKAY?" Elizabeth wailed. "If anything, Vinnae deserves better than having YOU as a brother."

     Vinnae covered their face in their palms. They shook in fright. "I didn't do it!" They shouted.

     "We know, love. We know..." Elizabeth frowned and rubbed their head. However, as she was comforting Vinnae, she noticed a peculiar stain on Charlie's jacket. A stain.

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