Chapter 4: It Was Locked.

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Vinnae stomped off elsewhere after the incident. To be honest, not even I know where they went. But anyway, let's focus on Vinny and leave Vinnae alone for a while. Ah yes, Vinny. Vinny peered at the glass coated with a champagne and Vinnae's blood cocktail in disgust. 

"How could Vinnae just leave this mess here for me to clean up?" Vinny muttered. They stood up and and gave the 'mess' one last glance before leaving the room, leaving the glass unattended.

"Vinny!" Charlie shouted from across the room.

"I'm coming!!" Vinny reassured Charlie.

"What happened in there? I saw Vinnae slam the door and run off." 

"They denied everything I asked them. About mom, about you..." Vinny vented, running out of breath. Were they forgetting how to breathe? What the heck!

"Hey, hey. It's okay.. Just breathe okay?" Charlie whispered and wrapped his arms around Vinny.

"I just don't understand... Why are they acting like this?.." Vinny sniffed.

"Well, it's Vinnae. And Vinnae will always be Vinnae. They'll never change." Charlie smiled. "Let's just try to make the most of this night?"

"Yeah...sure." Vinny smiled back. And they both walked back into the main room. 

Something's about to happen, I can feel it.. But.. When? Hours have passed since the incident, and Vinny almost completely forgot about it. Vinny was too busy dancing with Charlie, of course. Until Charlie retreated to the center of the room...

"Attention, everyone? I would like to make a very important announcement." Charlie peered at Vinny and urged them to step forward, so they did. "Vinny, ever since we met three years ago in Elizabeth's studio, I kinda liked you. Now, not as much as I do now, of course. No amount of love could ever compete with the amount I have for you. And now that you're 18.... Well, I figured perhaps this would be the perfect time."

Vinnae, who was hiding in the back of the room behind a plant lifted their head to this...abnormally loving speech. 

"Vinny..." Charlie grinned. Then he got down on one knee. OH MY GOD! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! VINNY JUST TURNED 18, MAN! AT LEAST WAIT A YEAR!! Oh my. Vinnae isn't going to like this... "Will you uh..marry me?"

Vinny's eyes widened. And it may have been the champagne they only drank just to be nice, because Vinny obviously doesn't drink..but Vinny didn't think of how awful this could turn out. Just as Vinny opened their mouth to speak....



Oh boy. Here we go....

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" a friend of Vinny's....Lukey screamed. "I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE...." Lukey dashed to the exit, but to his surprise...because nobody else would be shocked to hear that.... It was locked. "WHAT THE FUCK?! OPEN THIS DOOR!!"

And just then...a strange voice appeared from a....microphone? 

"It's 2 am, and you all scurry in panic."

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