Like Father Like Son. Round Two.

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 "Miss Miruko? Do you think it's a good idea to antagonize him like that? He single handedly killed a Nomu that was the size of a skyscraper. In one attack." Kaminari asks quickening the pace to keep up with the rabbit hero.

"That's why we take him out before he gets serious. He aint gonna throw all his power at us from the start so we'll use that to get in close and shatter the mask. In and out in ten minutes." Miruko boasts as she comes to a stop in front of the main doors of sight beta. "Here's what we're gonna do. First tell me what your quirks are." She instructs.

"I can brainwash anyone who responds to what I say." Shinso answers after removing his voice changer as to speak clearly.

"I can make my skin as hard as steel and tank anything he can throw at me."

"I can summon animals with my voice."

"I'm a frog."

"Interesting variety here with your class I'll give you all that. Do any of you all know what potential weaknesses he has?" Miruko questions getting the others to shake their heads no.

"That's only Uraraka and Eri and they're not a part of our team. Plus he's a fraction of the age of the real All for One so tiring him out isn't gonna work *Kero*." Tsu answers prompting the rabbit themed hero to scratch her chin in thought.

"Bakugou mentioned that they would be switching up quirks, and while we know some of them. That's gonna be a problem since he could have a combination that we've never seen before. He could have taken the erasure sight duplicate quirk that Bakubro had during the Nabu Island stuff and then we'd really be screwed." Kirishima responds.

"That's what I was afraid of hearing." Kaminari frowns.

"He's still human, and while we don't have a ninety foot tall dragon to throw at him we still have the environment and our quirks. The best decision here would be a false front. Fake an all out assault as much as possible in order to open a window for one of us to get an attack in. Froppy I believe that would be your opening. I watched your provisional exam a few months ago and know you're capable of becoming almost invisible. That will be our best bet."

"Which will be a moot point if Midoriya has that infrared or UV sight quirk. Whatever, let's just get this over with. The sooner I wake up in that infirmary cot the better." Shinso mocks excitement with this extremely sarcastic statement.

"Planning Time is up, Training begins now." Nana's voice declares through the speaker system prompting the team of six to enter the site.

"Koda, summon as many birds as you can and instruct them to fan out and search for Deku for One. After that have them swarm him." Miruko declares as the team of heroes begins running through the city. Froppy breaks off from the other five, jumping up a fire escape and onto a rooftop of an apartment building before vanishing.

While the heroes enter the city, Izuku makes no attempt to hide. Instead he makes his presence known from the get go. Opting to float high into the air out in the open, floating gracefully with his legs hung limp and his arms folded behind his back waiting expectantly. Above him the clouds that had permeated the sky darken, swirling and circling the city. The city that was inhabited by no one and that he was given express permission to raise it to the ground. He felt an inkling of satisfaction when he raised his right hand from behind his back and pointed his finger towards the ground. It was probably the residue of influence his father had left in him that spurred that feeling, flexing his index finger from his palm as rumbling thunder rolls across the heavens. Above him anvil crawlers dart across the bottoms of the clouds like spiders crawling towards the prey caught in its web. The deafening roar of thunder shook the entire campus as the clouds spawned bolt after bolt. The javelins of electrical judgment rained down from the clouds striking at the buildings below. The thunderbolts shatter roofs, crack the asphalt and reduce buildings to rubble. The entirety of the town square is leveled in the first deluge of lightning.

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