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"Well well. This code is quite remarkable" Zencho's voice rings out. "Even I haven't managed to figure out how it all works. " Izuku quickly snaps awake to see his father fully healed sitting at the edge of his bed, Eri is snuggled up with Izuku still sound asleep next to him.

"Though, putting heroes' names directly underneath sketches of them might be a bit of a tip off in the future." He says before manifesting a pencil from thin air and going to a blank page. "Your design needs some changes from what you currently wear. One with your power needs to look defined. Not to mention you need a mask to hide your identity." He says sketching something into the book. He turns it around to show Izuku who is lying paralyzed in fear. "There. Like father. Like son." He says, on the page is a 1:1 sketch of his own suit, white button up shirt, black pinstripe tuxedo but the difference is the headpiece. The same mouth guard Izuku has now is the mouth rest for an eerily similar helmet his father wore at Kamino.

Suddenly Izuku snaps awake, drenched in sweat and in the arms of Ochako. He is in his room, sitting up in his bed just before hearing his alarm go off waking Ochako. She reaches over and snoozes the clock for an hour allowing Eri to get more sleep before stretching. She looks to Izuku before rubbing his shoulder and recoiling that he's all sweaty. "Why are you all sweaty. Go take a shower mister." She commands, Izuku obeys and gets up from the bed and stretches before walking to the shower. Ochako gets up as well before pulling the sheets and bedspread off the bed and throwing them in a hamper. She goes to his closet and pulls a new bed spread from one of the middle shelves. As she does a notebook drops from the middle shelf, "Hero Analysis Journal Number 1" It reads, Ochako doesn't recognize the hand writing on the cover but picks up the book nonetheless. After fixing their bed, she sits on her side before turning on her reading lamp and opening the old book.

"This is Izuku's first book. Right now he's on book 13 but it's all scorched. I probably should get him one for number 14." She thinks to herself looking at the cover page.

"To whoever it may concern, this book is property of Midoriya Tomura and Midoriya Izuku. If found please contact the number below."

"Tomura? As in Shigaraki?" She says under her breath before turning over the page.

The first page of the book is a drawing in crayon, a little boy drawn in green crayon, a taller boy drawn with grey blue and both boys are holding hands with a man in a suit drawn in a black crayon. All three of them have the same hair style and red shoes with their names written underneath. Izuku under the one in green, Tomura underneath the grayish blue and Dad under the one in black. She studies the picture seeing the three of them standing on a street outside three tall identical buildings. "Must be Izuku's apartment. Maybe I should ask if he can bring me there to meet his mom some time." She thinks as she turns the page.

This next page looks to have been drawn by an adult, it shows a picture of All Might in great detail even down to the creases and shadows of the lighting in the picture. All Might's prime and debut costume is on the page and it looks to have been sketched by a professional. Next to it, on the side margins on the page are notes written in crayon. Ochako smiles seeing it as Izuku's handwriting and that it hasn't changed since he was a little boy, lines drawn from the words pointing to a part of the sketch. The thing that catches her attention is written in black pen and underlined. It is a single sentence and it's line is pointed directly under All Might's left pectoral on his chest. "All Might's Weakness is a scar near his heart." The font was the same as the one on the cover of the book and it startles her slightly.

Page three had a drawing of two people in similar design, both of them looked like the All Might sketch in the level of skill that was put into it but were vastly different. The one on the back of the page All Might was on was someone who she didn't recognize. A wide smile and beauty mark under the right side of his mouth holding up a peace sign with his right hand in a three fingered glove. In white, red and black stood a man with a small scar over his lip. Gloves with three fingers on each hand, a jumpsuit similar to Izukus and a pair of red boots going up the calf similar to what Izuku wears. A similar mouth-guard rests on the top of his chest, similarly designed costume to Izuku's but with a different color scheme. Though he doesn't have arm guards like Izuku does, he still has elbow and knee pads on his arms. A caption under the feet of the man on the page read: "The Hero that will turn Evil to dust! Age!" It read and under the caption listed the mans name.

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