✾Chapter 1✾

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The sound of leaves being crushed was heard as a wolf with black fur and blonde ears ran as far away from his old home as he possibly could. He stop by a river as he needed to catch his breathe and drank from the river, as he was doing so he heard shuffling from behind him. He looked to see nothing there which made him more alert as he looked around.

He sniffed the air to help him out, 'someone's near' he thought to himself as he began to search around using his nose as a guide. As he was looking he saw the shadow of another wolf. 'Could they have followed me?' He asked himself as he cautiously walked closer to the other wolf, 'It can't be anyone from the pack, I don't smell them' he thought as he started to sniff the air again.

As he did so, he smelled a fairly sweet scent, one that smells like chocolate strawberries. The other wolf took notice of the black fur wolf and started to growl, their scent getting stronger, 'they're in heat!' The black wolf thought. He decided to find a cave for the omega as they are in the middle of the forest at the moment, as soon as he found one, he cleaned it up making somewhat of a bed for the omega to rest on. After he was finished, he ran back to the omega and shifted to his human form approaching the omega slowly.

"Hey there little guy...." He said slowly and the omega growl backing up from the other, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I found a cave and made somewhat of a bed for you." The alpha said as he stood still not wanting to make the omega uncomfortable any further. The omega started to whimper but slowly walked to the alpha, "Follow me" the alpha said as he shifted back into his wolf and led the way to the cave. Once inside he shifted back, "You stay here while I go get some food for you, okay?" The alpha said and the omega nod, laying on the bed.

Before he left he scented the cave to make sure no other alphas come and try to take advantage of the poor omega. He collected berries, fruits, nuts, and even meat for the omega back in the cave. He carried the foods inside a handmade basket, while he was walking back he smelled another wolf near, he looked around his surroundings and sniffed the air to see if any of his former pack was near, but instead he smelled an alpha nearby.

"Shit.." he cursed as he put down the basket and shifted, he picked the basket up with his mouth and started running back to the cave before any other alpha did so. He made it just in time to see an alpha lurking around the cave, he set the basket down in a safe place for now as he silently went behind the other alpha. Once it was the right time, he charged at the other wolf and started to bite his neck and clawing at his fur, the other wolf groaned in pain as he fell to the ground, the black wolf got off the other as he was sure that the other wolf was down, he growled at the other wolf as a sign to leave before anything else happens.

The wolf understood and ran off, whimpering a bit as he was in pain. The black wolf went back to the basket he left and enter the cave where the omega was sleeping peacefully. He set the basket down and shifted back to his human form. He slowly walked to the omega and sat next to it, he started to slowly pet the omega's fur and the omega leaned into the touch, purring a little. The alpha smiled at that and got up, deciding to make two handmade cups for them.


The omega started to stirred in their sleep which made the alpha look up at the omega, the omega slowly started to open their eyes and look around, "Feeling better?" The alpha asked and the omega nodded, "Can you shift?" The alpha asked again and the omega started to shifted. The alpha was stunned to say the least, the omega was beautiful with blonde hair and an angelic face.

"T-thank you for not taking advantage of my heat. I really appreciate it and for the food and for the somewhat of a bed." The omega spoked which snapped the alpha out of his trace, "You're welcome, it's my pleasure. It must hurt when you are in heat" the alpha said and started to put food on a plate for the other. "Here, eat up. You need it" he said handing the plate over, the omega took it and started eating the berries and fruit, "let me start a fire and find some water so that I can cook the meat and we can have something to drink" the alpha said getting up, dusting himself off. The omega nod and ate happily.

After some time, the alpha came back and sat down opposite of the omega, "here, some water" he said pouring some water into the cup and handing it to the omega, "Did you make these?" The omega asked, amazed at the talent of the alpha, "Yup, my mom showed me how to make any dish out of what I have. She even taught me how to make that bed" he answered pointing to the mention bed.

"That's amazing" the omega said still amazed of the alpha, they continued to eat in silence until the alpha spoke up, "if you don't mind me asking, what's you name?" The omega giggled a little but answer nevertheless, "It's Jacob, Jacob Bae. And yours?" He questioned the alpha. "Kevin, Kevin Moon"


Starting this book off with one of my favorite ships was a idea I made back in September of 2022

I hope you enjoy the first chapter of this book

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote,comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon love you <3

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