✾Chapter 2✾

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The omega was scared of whatever that is happening outside his door, he started to pace in his room as he was the only child and soon to be Luna of his pack. 'What if I don't have a pack to lead?! What am I supposed to do, produce more wolves without an alpha?!' He asked himself as he started to pace faster inside his room which was suffocating him the more he stayed in there.

The door suddenly open revealing his panicking mother and the Luna of the pack, "Mother!" He ran to his mother and hugged her tightly, "Chanhee! I need you to start packing your things, everything you possibly need and meet me behind the castle. Make sure to not be seen by anyone, not even the members of our pack" his mother stated letting go of her son, "Mom what's going on? What's happening? Is father alright?" Chanhee asked as he was worried for his dear father. "He's fine, everything is going to be just fine" the Luna said and exited the room.

The omega started to pack everything he need, clothes, toiletries, suppressants, and other stuff he needed for survival. Once he was done he walked out his room and started walking to the back side of the castle, making sure to go unnoticed by anyone. Once he made it, he saw his mother standing there nervously, "Mom, what's going on? Why did I have to pack?" Chanhee ask as he stood in front of her, "You're running away, as my only son I can't let you die. You need to live on, start a pack of your own, live a war-stress-free life. I love you dearly and I'm sure your father does too. Here take this, remember me as the strong mother who raised an amazing son and Luna" his mother said handing him a necklace with their pack symbol.

"I won't let you down Mom" he said bracing the necklace into his hands, "Good, now go!" His mother demanded and pushed Chanhee lightly, "I love you Mom" he said with a smile, his mom returning it as he set off into the forest to start his own pack, war free.


As he was walking, he heard rustling sounds from his left side, he looked over but saw nothing. Then he heard it from his right side, "Uh huh, I got no time for you fuckers" Chanhee stated and shook his head in a sassy movement, "you're a very sassy omega, I like it" he heard someone say and looked forward to see a alpha with blue hair in front of him wearing a smirk on his crusty lips. Chanhee shivered a little as he looked at the alpha's blood red eyes, "He's perfect for a Luna!" Another alpha said merging from the left side of the woods, "Perfect body to bear a child and has fairly pretty eyes. We should take him" a third alpha said standing next to the first and second alpha.

"What do you say, pretty?" The first alpha asked looking at Chanhee with only lust, "Yea no, I rather pass up on the offer" Chanhee said turning around ready to go a different way, but the alpha took ahold of Chanhee's wrist and pulled him closer to his chest, "Oh, but you really have no choice. Your pack is under attack and you will have nobody. So think again before you do, pretty." The first alpha said moving his hands to Chanhee's waist. Chanhee started to feel uncomfortable but the alpha was right, he had no one left.

Just as soon as Chanhee was about to give in an arrow flew across right in front of both the alpha's and Chanhee's face, almost hitting the alpha, "Let him go" they heard a voice coming from the shadows. They turn towards where the arrow came from and a tall, fairly skinny but muscular alpha emerges from the trees, "or what?" The first alpha asked, cocky since he thinks he can win the fight between the two. The silver haired alpha shot an arrow at the other alpha's foot, "Want another one in your head? If not you should probably let go of him" the alpha with the bow and arrow said lowly.

The other two alpha's started attacking him but he took them down fast and easily, "Haha, weak" He stated looking at the alphas now laying dead on the forest ground, "You want a turn?" He asked looking at the other alpha with a smirk. The other alpha let go of Chanhee, shook his head and ran away. "Coward!" The alpha shouted towards the direction the alpha went. He then looked back at Chanhee with softer eyes, "You Okay?" He asked slowly walking over to Chanhee, stepping over the bodies and putting his bow and arrow away.

"I'm fine, thank you. Question; how did you kill them so fast?" Chanhee asked shocked at what the other wolf did, "training" the alpha shrugged like it was no big deal, "Where are you heading?" He asked the other, "Right now, to find something to eat" Chanhee answered holding his stomach, "follow me then" the alpha said. Chanhee was hesitant at first but when he heard what the other said he joined, "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. My parents taught me better than what those alphas' parents taught them" he started walking in the direction he came from, Chanhee right behind him.

"Um, excuse me, what's your name?" Chanhee suddenly asked now walking beside the alpha as he warmed up to him, "Changmin, Ji Changmin. Yours?" The alpha said stopping at a cave, "Chanhee, Choi Chanhee. I was supposed to be the next Luna for my pack and neighboring pack but suddenly we were attack...." Chanhee said looking down, "I only asked for your name sweet cheeks, not your life story" Changmin said as he started collecting some fruits from a basket.

Chanhee blushed from embarrassment and the nickname he was called, "Sorry..." he softly said, "No need to be, your pack was under attack and some alphas just tried to use you. I should be the one that is sorry" Changmin said handing the fruits to Chanhee, patting his head afterwards. "Why should you be sorry, you didn't do anything but saved my life" Chanhee said eating the fruits given to him, "I meant that I'm sorry for your loss, it hurts not having a pack and not feeling the pack bond anymore. I should know...." Changmin said looking down.

Chanhee moved closer to the alpha and started to comfort him by playing with his silver hair, Changmin leaned into the touch missing the feeling of being comforted. "What happened to your pack, if you don't mind me asking?" Chanhee spoke up after a few seconds of silence, "I ran away. My pack harmed innocent people and I couldn't take it seeing and hearing them in pain and so I set the unharmed ones free and left myself" Changmin said, clenching his jaw at the thought of his pack hurting other wolves.

What caught him off guard and calmed down a little was the arms that brought him into a comforting motherly hug, something he was longing for that he didn't even know he missed until now. "It's okay, I understand. I would have done the same thing" Chanhee said as one of his hands played with the alpha's hair and the other rubbing circles on his arms. "Thank you Chanhee, you'll make a great Luna and mother someday. I'm sure your mate is lucky to have you" Changmin said leaning into Chanhee's chest. They sat there for a few minutes both Changmin spoke up again,

"let me go scent the cave before anyone tries to come in here and either take us or kill us in our sleep" he said getting out of Chanhee's embraced regretting it a little, already missing the feeling of warmth the other produce.

Chanhee just silently nod and watch as Changmin scent the cave, his inner wolf was going crazy as he did so, 'is he really....."


Imagine not doing the second chapter on NyuKyu. They're sooooo cute!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly and drinking water and staying healthy.

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